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Everything posted by shvdow_

  1. some man who likes randy orton
  2. some polish guy who went from ue to cripz
  3. Sam from my first name i using crtmn nick but im Samv on forum cuz i must have similar name to nick in game (this V is bc some guy have name Sam on forum) crtmn is from south park (eric cartman) (kenny better lol) (eric cartman bc im fat and short) (i don't want to change my name to crtmn in game) ik my english in not good
  4. some cop who don't know how to use /r
  5. Ingame name: 203|Sam Username: XaMek Country of Residence and Nationality: Poland Spoken Languages: Polish and English Age: 15 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: since 2017 Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: Organization Zero: I left beacuse i have 2 warnings so i decided to left Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Hi im Sam. Im 15. I like playing as arms or drug dealer and helping in Br's but im not cracker, i wish to learn crack. I always helping if i can. Im a good defender. I like driving fast cars. I can deposit some money to gang safe. I like hanging out with players. Im friendly. I have some fast cars. When im in game im always helping in turf wars and sometimes im playing as a mech or med. I like doing roleplays. I speaking polish and english. My english is not good but most people understand. Im active player (spending 4-6 hours per day). I don't know why but im always playing 5 times in a day (at morning, at noon, after noon, at evening and at night-(server 23:00-00:00) ). Playing saes is one of my hobbys. Sometimes im playing football with my friends. Always im playing San Andreas single player. Im fifteen years old, im born 20th August 2005.
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