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Everything posted by snoopys

  1. Activity Type: Stopping SR FBI Members Involved: @Troones@GetAway@Crossma@snoopys Date: 10/11/2024 Screenshots:
  2. Activity Type: Rhino Battle Prize:2m$ FBI Members Involved: @snoopys Date: 08/11/2024 Screenshots:
  3. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 7/11/2024 Participants: @snoopys Duration: 30 minutes Screenshots:
  4. Type Of Activity: Refuelling gas stations Date: 7/11/2024 Participants: @snoopys Duration: 30 minutes Screenshots:
  5. Type Of Activity: Deliveries Date: 5/11/2024 Participants: @snoopys Duration: 2 hours Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lHcoP5w
  6. Address:Temple Flat 4 Account name: meegan Last seen:13 july 2021 Screenshots:
  7. Address:Bone County Town Shop Account name:GoldenKruger Last seen: 10 july 2021 Screenshots:
  8. @snoopys
  9. Address:Bone County Town Shop Account name:GoldenKruger Last seen: 10 july 2021 Screenshots: ::: https://i.imgur.com/jngxWnt.png :::
  10. @FoxZilla said in Inactiv TR: @snoopys said in Inactiv TR: ::: Address: The Gay Hamster Store Account name: donna Last seen: 27 august 2020 Screenshots: ::: ::: ::: Hey Sir. donna is an admin account. He is SAES>Donna. when any admin/staff becomes to inactive, you can't claim it. Here you can find the admins/staffs account names: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members I'm not SAHA I just wanted to help you and SAHA members. If you have any question I can try to help you. ye i realized that after i posted
  11. Deleted
  12. Address: The Gay Hamster Store Account name: donna Last seen: 27 august 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. @Patrol then u shoold give a second chance to players who will attend the 8th rec
  14. General Activity: ^[] Activity Type: Bank Rob FBI Members Involved: Date: 28/06/2020 Screenshots:
  15. General Activity: ^[] Actvity type Store Rob FBI Members Involved: @MouRiS @Snoopy @TripleX Date: 28/06/2020 Screenshots:
  16. hbd cheer!!!!
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. @TheRealSteven hhhhh
  19. Welcome jojo from jury!!!!!!!
  20. Event type: land on my truck Prize: 1.500.000$ (500k each round) LWS: O|MrSolrac Winner/s: @Westbrook x 2 + @Niceez Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/W6ukbaL
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