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Everything posted by Ezreal

  1. @arone ~[Accepted]~(lime,green), welcome aboard
  2. Dear @Bernasx after discussing with the HQ team we decided to: ~[Accept]~(lime, green) you. Welcome to Freedom Fighters, GL.
  3. Dear, @rabygon if you are interested to know what freedom are we fighting for, you need to read the story.
  4. Roleplay Number: 344 @flappppyyy said in Organization Zero | Media archive: Participants: @SQuiZo @Pump **Story:**Organization Zero became from the best gangs in All San Andreas also they got a lot of money which it made them from the richest gang,that's why our HQ team decide to put all our money in another place that the other gangs cant steal our money after years of working that's why we decide to put them in our warehouse in San Fierro.today, when I was in bar having fun with my freinds , I received a call from our HQ team ,they told me that our money in San fierro has been stolen and they need my help to find who did this, I knew that wild angels has the ability of bringing information of any guy or any gang that why I decide to call 'Squizo" a trusted member from "wild angels" this guy helped me many times in my missions,and I told him that we need him to find this guy,lickely, he agreed,i told him where to meed and I got ready, I bring some team mates ,some weapons and I went to the meeting place,however,i found "Squizo" waiting for me,we talked a bit and I explained to him wht happened exactly,then we opened a little chat about the price, after some suggestions he decide to help us in contrast, we will pay him 152678$. then I gave him his money also I helped him to put them in his car's trunk then we went back to our HQ team to tell them what we did to find this poor guy. Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Roleplay Number: 343 @pump said in Organization Zero | Role play archive: Participants: @SQuiZo Story: it was 1 December, James was thinking about starting the month with something special to do. Since Lastly, he got some experience with modding stuff. He got two bikes that weren't modded to enough to get sold. Then he prepared all the required stuff needed to mod every car or bike etc... So he started doing what he is required to do. He was getting the pieces of stuff needed, put them perfectly in the vehicle, he was smiling when he is doing this. Nothing was bad or not in place. So he announced to the members to add these bikes to the list of the modded bike, "This List where the bikes of OrganiZation Zero (Modded of course) has been putten for sale with some pictures, every of these bikes designer will be responsible to deal with the guy that phoned him. So the public phone of The gang rang, He said he is "Rivera" from Wild Angels, the new gang which got considered as one of the most motivated gang lastly. He told him that he wants to buy one of these two modded bike. That's why the leader phoned James to come since he modded it. So James went to Wild Angels Headquarters where he met the guy, They greeted each other, then they took it seriously about the price. They started offering until they agreed at 20.000$. So James got paid from the guy from Wild Angels, then he gave him the bike. So He called "Flappy" to come catch him up from the headquarters. Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Roleplay Number: 342 @pump said in Organization Zero | Media archive: Participants: @SQuiZo Story: it was 1 December, James was thinking about starting the month with something special to do. Since Lastly, he got some experience with modding stuff. He got two bikes that weren't modded to enough to get sold. Then he prepared all the required stuff needed to mod every car or bike etc... So he started doing what he is required to do. He was getting the pieces of stuff needed, put them perfectly in the vehicle, he was smiling when he is doing this. Nothing was bad or not in place. So he announced to the members to add these bikes to the list of the modded bike, "This List where the bikes of OrganiZation Zero (Modded of course) has been putten for sale with some pictures, every of these bikes designer will be responsible to deal with the guy that phoned him. So the public phone of The gang rang, He said he is "Rivera" from Wild Angels, the new gang which got considered as one of the most motivated gang lastly. He told him that he wants to buy one of these two modded bike. That's why the leader phoned James to come since he modded it. So James went to Wild Angels Headquarters where he met the guy, They greeted each other, then they took it seriously about the price. They started offering until they agreed at 20.000$. So James got paid from the guy from Wild Angels, then he gave him the bike. So He called "Flappy" to come catch him up from the headquarters. Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Thank you guys, for all your support ;)
  8. @zodiac you didn't put enough effort in making your application to join freedom fighters => ~[Denied]~(red). feel free to re-apply after 2 days. @Reus you have 24h to fix your application or you will get denied. describe the role of FF with your own words
  9. ~[Note : Only Freedom Fighters members are allowed to post here!]~(red) ~[Welcome to Freedom Fighters Official Media Archive, Here you should find our latest activities.]~(lime) Total RP done: 3 Total Event Hosted: 5 Total Activities: 6 Roleplay Format: ::: =RP Number= RP title : Participants : Gangs/Squads/Companies : Story and Screenshots : ::: Event Format: ::: =Event Number= Event Type : Event Price : Event Winner : Event LWS/G6 : Screenshots : ::: Activity Format : ::: =Activity Number= Activity Type : Freedom Fighter Members : Time : Screenshots : :::
  10. Group name: Freedom Fighters Organization Group type: Criminalization Group tag: FFO|>name Group Motto:" All Cops Are Bastards! A.C.A.B " Group date of creation: 21/07/2018 Group color code: #292928 Group founder and leader: SQuiZo Discord: https://discord.gg/26XGMfv Media center: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1621/freedom-fighters-media-center Our Weapons: Our Cars: * Huntley / NRG / glendale ::: Jeremy: Main character Brenden: Jeremy's father Aliza: Jeremy's mother Tony: Gangster ::: 1950 was the year of corruption, Corruption rate was at its peak. Criminals were freely roaming out and innocent people were inside of the jail. The law was only for the poor and might be right. Jeremy and his parents were living in America. Brenden was a worker at construction platform and Aliza was a household wife. They weren't either rich or poor. They were living a living happy life. Then a thing happened which they never thought. Jeremy's dad falls down from the construction platform. After an research, it's seemed that the owner of the Construction Platform pushes him down. Jeremy mother reported to the police but as it's was a year of corruption, the owner of the construction platform bribed the cops so they didn't follow this, Many innocents are in jail because of this cop who accept bribes. Jeremy was alone and at his own. He takes all the money in the home and went to a gangster place and ask him to kill the owner of the construction platform to give the innocents their freedom again. Then Tony replied that "I can kill him but I won't, he killed your parents, not mine". If I kill him then the revenge in your heart will never end, I will train you then go kill him by yourself at the same place and the same way so Tony give Jeremy a gun and he starts training him. Since that time Jeremy tries hard in the training. 2018, Jeremy was completely trained and today was the birthday of that construction owner and that construction was turned into a huge building. Jeremy went theirs as an invited person. He threw some drinks on the owner. When the owner went to bathroom Jeremy followed him, when he gets out Jeremy pulled him down to the building and he died when he escaped from there without living any information about him. Jeremy first revenge on the owner was done but still police revenge. Jeremy told Tony and Tony advised him to do criminal activities then the cop will come there, and maybe one day you will find him. After a month of research, Jeremy knows that the cop moved to San Andreas because and he will start working there, so Jeremy moved to San Andreas to kill that cop and kidnap him until he told that he accepted bribes and all that people in jail are innocents. Jeremy planned to make a Jail Break to give these people their freedom and the mission was well done. And from that time Jeremy swear that he will do criminal activities and kill the cops because he hates them and to make everything cause well he created Freedom Fighters Organization and This was the birth of "Freedom Fighters Organization", Jeremy gathered up some friends and did some big criminal activities since the creation of the group. Robberies Creation and Assistance: We assist & create Public Bank Robberies and Store Robberies and protect them from police. If you want protection and you want your robbery to go well the best way is to invite us for assistance, just private message us before starting the robbery. We will do our best to protect it from cops. Assistance in gang smuggling: We also help gang in smuggling arms or drugs ... and that by protecting them from cops and to make the smuggling operation goes well. Jailbreaking: As our goal is to reach the peaks of crime, so we do random crime activities which include Jail Breaks and we give freedom to the prisoners and train them to become part of us. Kidnapping: All FFO members hates cops so they Kidnap every cop come in our way. We force the target to say everything by torturing him because we want to know the plans of the cops and we try to let this plans goes bad for the cops. Total Members: 21 -----------------~[HQ team ]~(blueviolet)----------------- =>El Patron ~TAG: / Leader @SQuiZo => El Capitan~TAG: / vice Leader @Seth @Andre => Bajo el capitan~TAG: /HQ @flappppyyy @Pump => Asesinos ~TAG: /sHQ @Danger-tkd -----------------~[Members]~(blueviolet)----------------- => Matones ~TAG: @Djappa =>Tirilon~TAG: N/A =>Sargento~TAG: @zeus74330 @Jesse420 @K2rhym @Seth =>Soldado~TAG: @Gelbert -----------------~[Newbies]~(blueviolet)----------------- =>Novatos~TAG: @Arone @WitherDce @KARIM @MrDeathBoy @Rowdy35 @Moenesmjaid @hope @XpookS @dopeen @Reus 1)Read and follow all the server rules. Press f1 to find them. 2)Always obey HQ team order. 3)When the leader is not on, then HQ is ydon't leader. 4)Don't ask for promotions. 5)You need to know all the rules. 6)Try your best at activities. Don't do dumb things while wearing tags. 7)Try to be active. 8)Don't leave the group without informing HQ team or you will be blacklisted.* ::: Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick: Real Name: Account name: Nationality: Rate your English Skills (0/10): Current Organization: Current Group List: Why we should accept you? Player 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10): Write a short RP story : ::: Rec status ~[OPEN]~(green)
  11. Roleplay Number: 337 @pump said in Organization Zero | Role play archive: Participants: @SQuiZo @flappppyyy Story: Today, When James, OrganiZation Zero member, Was hanging around San Andreas, he got called from "SquiZo", Trusted member from Wild Angels, It was about a dangerous mission, he said, "It's really Urgent, come to Wild Angels Base, I got a mission for you, get a sniper with you, cheers, SquiZo.". So James took all the requirements. Then he took permission, got a member from the driving team to drive him to Wild Angels' Headquarters location. Where he got there with the other guy, he has seen "SquiZo, he was waving to them, So they had a little chat within 6 minutes, After James understood the situation he said "we will do this mission within 5 Hours but you need to pay us 20.000$, I will send you it's dead body in a photo. The other guy "SquiZo" accepted without thinking. So James got into the car back with the other guy, headed to The Caf where usually the recommended guy sit. Whatever, in 1 Hour, here he is the waited for the guy. He is the same as the guy in the photo. So James got his sniper out when "Flappy" the guy from the shooting team was guarding him. He shot him between his eyes. Then he went to his dead body, took a picture of it. then he sent it to "SquiZo", It really happened within 5 hours. That's why he got paid the recommended price 20.000$. After that, they took their way back to "OrganiZation Zero Headquarters" where he found his gangmates waiting for them to tell their leader that the mission is accomplished and they got the money. Then they have putten the money in the safe. Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Date: 20/07/2018 ScreenShots:
  13. Roleplay Number:335 @flappppyyy said in Organization Zero | Role play archive: Participants:@Arone @SQuiZo Story: today, when I was fixing some bikes in our base I got a call from a wild angels member,he told me that he wants some drugs cuz those days they lost a big quantity of drugs that they have in their treasury also he told me that he will come to our base that he can check it So as not to regret it , after a while, he came, he gave me some pieces of information about the tactics that wild angels use in turfs then i took him in our treasury that he can test our drugs and likely he found it great, however, he decides to 5 g with 8084$ for each g after a long talk,then we took the drugs from our base and we transport it to his car's trunk that he can take it to his base, in contrast, he paid me, after finishing the deal, I put all the money that I got in our base that we can use it to upgrade our modern bikes Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Late night activity / Time: 01:15 Date: 18/07/2018 ScreenShots:
  15. Late night activity Date: 17/07/2018 ScreenShots:
  16. In-game name: SQuiZo Username: SyncMaster1 Age: 19 Nationality: Tunisia Previous bans/punishments: I got Banned since when I start playing SAES with my friends when I was a kid Why you think you would be suitable for the role: At first sight, I think I'm suitable for this job because I'm active in SAES, this means I'm always available and able to help people and rarely I'm not available when I'm busy with doing something important also I love to put a smile on people faces when I sort a request for a player besides and I enjoy helping players out when needed and I believe SAHA will give me more of opportunity to help, moreover I like to make player's time more enjoyable in the server. At second sight, I've got a lot of knowledge of San Andreas map because I've been playing this game since I was a little kid and of course this job requires experience in knowing how the game works and the whole map of San Andreas, I always hanging around all the map searching for inactive props so I now all the map. I haven't get banned or admin jailed or reported since 2 years now i grow up and I'm responsible so I would never try to abuse the panel also I'm polite and I would answer all player's with a nice way, and never ignore them , i see that many people ignoring new players because they think that they are retarded, but me I always try to help them and I will be happy when I see their knowledge increased step by step in the server I often explain to them how they request inactive props and why not I become the one who sorts to them their requests . At third sight I see that housing agency STAFFs are always busy and they get tired of sorting requests or helping players .... so I believe that I can help them. Next I'm always available on discord and TeamSpeak ..., to be honest, I have never used a housing panel but I think I will learn how to use it easily because I learn things very quickly and I'm smart, also I can speak English, French, and Arabic ( Arabic my native language), I've always been a great fan of housing around the server . Also, a SAHA agent must know all the rules which I have already had learned them, well I think I am a responsible and mature person when required of course. I also consider myself as an experienced player and for sure the experience is the most important factor for this job. this is why I find myself suitable for this role. Thank you for reading my application Best Regards
  17. Daily Activities Date: 17/07/2018 ScreenShots:
  18. Roleplay Number: 328 @gelbert said in SAFP - Official Media Archive: participants: @Gelbert @Wizax @SQuiZo @ziad It was 22:30 our dispatcher took ss for a criminal activity on LS top we respond there was soon as we can after a long shooting i lost my partner Commander.Wizax he was shooted down, so there was no way else than killing them, i threw a frag nade and then shooted them down, Commander Wizax was in need of medical help as soon as possible or maybe we will lose him i brought him to the hospital there medics gave him some first aids and left the arms truck without scann there when i came back i found everything clear Screenshot:https://imgur.com/a/v0HF5MS
  19. Event Number: 257 Event Type: GT LMS LWS/G6: @Strong Winner(s): @Colobria Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JEOOGlk
  20. Event Type: Fallout Event Number: 253 LWS/G6: @Expert Winner(s): @Raiden Prize: 1.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5z60wyI
  21. Event Type: Hunter shooter Event Number: 252 LWS/G6: @Expert Winner(s): @Filex Prize: 1.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MgBZG7u
  22. RP Number 321 story : @wizax said in SAFP - Official Media Archive: -=(#824b82,lime,blue)A partner has no without invitation=- Participants: @SQuiZo @brand @JoseFrags @Wizax Its 00:13, I was in SA. Federal Police base teaching new applicant some new tactics when we got a warning about not welcome partner in our base trying to destroy the door to get inside our Federal Files room i called some back up and went there as soon as possible, Officer Gelbert [Brand] cuffs the suspect hands then we brought him to integration room, While officer.JoseFrags was dealing with him i was watching from the Watching room, we coulding know any information from him else than his personaly information because he didnt want to speak without a lawyer, after taking him Photos we brought him to Cells ScreenShot(s) More ScreenShots in Imgure link >https://imgur.com/a/suqhm5k< -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  23. --=(gray,black,lime,lime)Late night activity=-- Date: 10/07/2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5yHwl9d
  24. RP Number 319 Participants: @Steve Title: they need good guns for war Story:One day when I was having a cigarette in groove street, I get a call from a member of THC and he tells me that he need some guns for the turf war against one of the biggest gang in San Andreas so as always to start discussing and negotiate about the price and the quantity also about the quality because as you know the price depends on the quality of the weapon, so we decided to meet in our base and I will show him all the guns and he will choose he tells me that they have a low storage and they need to fill up . I took my car and I went to our base, when I arrived I called him and i said that he can come because im available now after 30 minutes he arrived we shook hands and I showed him all the guns he chose to get m4 and combat shotgun also sniper and some grenades. we transport all the guns to his Huntley and This time I make all these weapons for free because we are allies, he thanked me a lot and he goes back to his base happy with their new weapons Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/oILVQLT
  25. RP Number 316 Participants: @Noisyboy Title: We got the best drugs. Story: One day when I was hanging around Los Santos with my friend, I get a call from one of the company members I answer the call and he was NoisyBoy he tells me: Yo! SQuiZo THC need some drug for our members, we need a good quality like you have , would you please come to groove street bar to negotiate " . after 30 minutes I turned on my car and I went to the place the way was so cool, so I enjoyed driving after a while I arrived at Groove street bar . I parked the vehicle in a good place and I entered the bar, it was so crowded so I start searching for him, until I saw Him wearing nice clothes and he waves to mee I went to him and we shake after that I got a cigarette and we start discussing about the price and the quantity after 30 minutes we agreed to a good price after that I took my vehicle and I went directly to our base and I put all the drugs in my car and I go to THC base , we shaked hands and we opened our car's trunk and we transported all the quantity of drugs, the mission succeed and I go back to our base
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