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Everything posted by Ezreal

  1. latinoooo hbd dmer
  2. -Activity Number 9- Activity Type: Store Rob FFO Members: @SQuiZo @Danger-tkd @Griffin @K2rhym @dopeen @Reus @Pump @flappppyyy Date: 23/08/2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ckftB5i
  3. @xDarkMan ~[Accepted]~(lime) Freedom Fighters, HQ team, SQuiZo.
  4. =RP Number 3= RP title : The fatest Store Rob Participants : @Pump @Andre @Danger-tkd @xDarkMan @griltin@ @tiguan Story : It was a nice day, all FFO members are in the base talking and thinking about a good operation that makes cops nervous so one of us said that the best way is to make a Store Rob and we steal all things with the money includes Foods .... etc. We thinked a lot but we found that this is the best way so we start getting ready we picked up our weapons and we start making a plan the Store was near a Police Departement so we need to be fast as we can and we are sure that will make the cops fear of us because a we have robed a store near a PD after 30m we puted a nice plan and we directly moved to Tierra Robada we NRGs and a Huntley we enterred the Store and we forced the worker to give us all the money and to open the room where he put every thing we fastly stealed foods .... we puted them in the huntley and we moved back to base this Store Rob tooked only 8m you can say it's the fatest store rob ever. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5GysCtc
  5. -Activity Number 7- Activity Type: Bank Rob Freedom Fighters Members: @arone @Pump @flappppyyy @Andre @hope @Lexus @Jamal @xDarkMan @XpookS Date: 18/08/2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2bgYyq3
  6. Logos and Banners has been updated. Ty
  7. deleted
  8. Username: siraminor18 Last seen: 17/07/2018 SS: https://imgur.com/a/bS4wyoL
  9. username: siraminor18 Last seen: 17/07/2018 SS: https://imgur.com/a/dTr7JmY
  10. username: siraminor18 SS: https://imgur.com/a/dTr7JmY
  11. username: siraminor18 SS: https://imgur.com/a/bKuURXn
  12. When im getting out of Jail i get buged in the wall and none can see me there ss: https://imgur.com/a/48d1S9Z
  13. happy anniversary Z <3
  14. @perlo ~[Denied]~(red). Freedom Fighters, HQ team, SQuiZo.
  15. Application format has been updated.
  16. @doyle , ~[Pending]~(#b0a61c). Meet me or pump in game. @abdulla , ~[Pending]~(#b0a61c). You have 24 hours to fix your apply or you will be denied. Freedom Fighters, HQ team, SQuiZo
  17. @Blu , @ViRuSLN , xD copy of wich group ?
  18. Dear @danger-tkd , ~[Accepted]~(green) Freedom Fighters, El-Patron, SQuiZo
  19. -Late night activity- Date: 26/7/2018 / Time: 00:30 Screenshots:
  20. -Event No 3- Event Type : Reach money bags Event Price : 7.000.000 Event Winner : @PeaCe which is Rikki Event LWS/G6 : @M7mod Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/GkM9ul4
  21. Starting bid: 40m ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/OKizV4x
  22. Dear @xpooks, I'm glad to inform you that you are ~[Accepted]~(green) . Freedom Fighters, El-Patron, SQuiZo
  23. Dear @scoore, ~[DENIED]~(red). This is not your real skills, someone has made this application for you. Freedom Fighters, El-Patron, SQuiZo
  24. -Activity Number 1- Activity Type: Store Robberrie Freedom Fighter Members: @arone @Pump @flappppyyy @lily_77 @MrDeathBoy @Bernasx @K2rhym Date: 24/07/2018 Screenshots:
  25. -Event No 1- Event Type : LMS Event Price : 1.000.000 Event Winner : @Crank Event LWS/G6 : @Strong Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/zPUvYEf
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