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Everything posted by ExeR

  1. :cop:I. Personal Info :arrow_forward: In-game Name: ExeR :arrow_forward: Username / Account-name: exer123 :arrow_forward: Age: 23 :arrow_forward: Gender: Male :arrow_forward: Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): Between B1 and C2 :arrow_forward: Nationality: Turkish :arrow_forward: Languages Spoken: Turkish , English and A1 French :arrow_forward: Average Ping: 80-110 :arrow_forward: Average FPS: I guess 60 :arrow_forward: Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hi, my name is Ata. I'm twenty three years old lazy boy. I was born in Greece, Xanthi. I'm working in the small company which is a family business. I'm graduated from Istanbul Technical University. I have been working in the different countries such as United Kingdom and United States of America. My daily life especially these days im playing video games a lot. Also im playing playstation as well. On the other hand, im a musician and playing drums. I had to small bands in Istanbul but i had to leave because of the overseas travel. Besides games and band, i read a book as much as i can read. I'm interested in being a Producer so i went to courses and sometimes im making the new beats for the rappers. :cop: II. In-Game Experience :arrow_forward: When did you join the server: 2009 ( dont remember the day exactly ) :arrow_forward: How much do you play each day: More than 5 hours in a day (nolifer) :arrow_forward: Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: HS , VA , FBI , MI-6 , TST , NNB :arrow_forward: Name the reason(s) for leaving: I only left from NNB. It's because we were inactive. :arrow_forward: Current group memberships: Nothing. :arrow_forward: If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? Ofcourse, i would like to participate :arrow_forward: Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): Nothing. :arrow_forward: Name the reasons why you received these punishments: Nothing. :cop: III. Personal skills and knowledge: :warning: Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences. :arrow_forward: Your strengths: First thing its come to my mind about my strengths is shooting. I'm really good at shooting especially with the sniper. Also, i really like to spent my time by driving a car all around the city so my driving skills is one of my strengths. Last but not least, its probably driving a plane and a helicopter. I drove hydra in singleplayer mode when i get bored. :arrow_forward: Your weaknesses: If i have to choose something about my weaknesses, it is probably would be a boat driving. It is because i dont really know why but i dont like to drive any kind of boat in the game. That is my biggest weakness i have to say. :arrow_forward: Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: I want to join SWAT because i think that SWAT is one of the most powerful and strongest offical squads in the game and im a man of patrolling. I also like to frienship in SWAT because i went to SWAT discord channel today and they were really friendly and kindly community. I also like to patrolling and i think that i will become more successful player than i ever had with the SWAT team. :arrow_forward: Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: To be honest, i dont want to acting like an egoist here but im a really really professional and old player here so i can promise you guys that i will give my best to my squad and for the members. To point of my view, I will improve my all skills with the SWAT team and like i said i will become better with the SWAT. :arrow_forward: Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): 11th of May, 2009. It was Thursday morning and everything seemed very normal. I was trying out new weapons purchased by the government in the shooting range. I went to my daily routine patrol that after preparing my stuff. There was an extraordinary activity while passing in front of the Los Santos bank. I stopped to take a look around this case, after reporting to the police station.But there was a shortage. Police radios were not working. I told a friend from the SWAT team on my private phone about this extraordinary situation and told me that wait me over there we need your report. I tried to control the area immediately. The bank security told me that there is going on a robbery inside and several criminals took civilians hostage. After controlling the area, the SWAT team was making preparations for the position. SWAT team 1 and me would be raided inside. The SWAT team 2 would enter from the roof of the bank with helicopters. The SWAT team 3 had taken their positions towards the building where the bank was located in the buildings around the banks. We were all waiting for the right moment. SWAT team 2 made the first raid and distracted criminals. SWAT 1 and me proceeded quietly from the bank's entrance.SWAT team 3 was communicating what was going on to other teams. SWAT team 2 withdrew after killing the criminals inside, and now SWAT team 1 and me would be done. After I and SWAT 1 broke the door of the bank, we threw a smoke bomb inside. All of us had glasses that provided vision in a special fog. We caught all the criminals from behind and took civilians.We handed over the criminals we caught to the SAPD and completed our mission.
  2. Applicant Main Information : Nickname: ExeR Username: exer123 Age: 23 Nationality: Turkish Languages you can speak: Turkish , English , A1 French Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : Since 2009 but i had to stop playing the game because i was preparing my college exams and had to study almost every day and everynight after my exams im back and i decided to be a part of Black-Bullets. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : HS , VA , TST , MI6 , NNB , as much as i remember those are the officals that i've been played. I only just left from NNB because i was doing full time job and i wasnt have enough time to play because of this but now we can say im back. Secondly, other officals i've been it was closed and dead. If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) :No, never. What groups are you currently part of? : Nothing. ( I was a ProCop ) Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I think im not a special person and a player but to be honest im a loyal person and im really good at role playing because while im role playing i feel like its really happening and im a really old player here that good at conversations except some of players but from big picture, i think im a friendly person. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: It is provide a weapons for everybody on special request and their bases located on San Fierro but they are able to move stuff around San Andreas City. Camels are assassins that killing the person by costs. To point of my view, they are the special assassins in the San Andreas City. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : I think Black-Bullet is one of the oldest gang in San Andreas and i always wanted to be a part of Black-Bullets but i never tried to apply now its the time. On the otherhand, friendship in the black-bullets are different than others becuase their main argument is being a loyal person and i would like to be a part of a LOYAL gang. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : None. Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : Thank you for reading my request.
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