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Everything posted by McNulty

  1. McNulty


    @Lightning I hope aswell that it is nothing serious, get well soon and I wish you lots of luck and love.
  2. McNulty


    are you guys doing :) ?
  3. @Samv You rarely see that, friend.
  4. imagine talking while playing as a policemen
  5. kak e carvulancho
  6. imagine saying ferthis good boss
  7. da te eba v ushite
  8. amet kriza, kriiza kriiza
  9. You are smart aswell, he can write in a different language, yes guy dude, TELL HIM!
  10. @RAMPAGE You speak the language of gods aswell I see, yes
  11. vzemi se skrii che da ne te zaritam
  12. guy dude, big brother of other guy slovenian dude, cool I guess, yes
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