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Everything posted by McNulty

  1. @Stoner Can you beat this one?
  2. good gang
  3. mersi i na tep
  4. Alive and Active! Roleplay Number 352 Story: A bunch of clowns in front of me
  5. 02 zero two two zero 02 02 zero two two 02 zero 0 two two zero two 02 02
  6. bad
  7. motorbike cool
  8. We back, come join if you a real man
  9. gang
  10. pussy gang, unlike alpha males B~B
  11. da ta iba u plitkiq guz
  12. @Dalb Thats how it goes around SA. Fuck criminals and other squads, groups and so on. Long Live GSNP. Very well done jobe, Dalb.
  13. @Dalb LET THEM KNOW!!!
  14. @fenter Accepted. Will be given VP role if you hack the admins!
  15. @Dalb Life is pure suffering and nothing more. Should have left him on the streets to suffer, but all in all good job!
  16. @Maxyou12 Thank you, good guy. <3
  17. COme fight me, see me knocking your ass out (ingame ofc)
  18. @Sollozzo np big guy, thank you. One day I will bring us back to the top
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