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Everything posted by Malapumba

  1. Date: 17/05/2021. Activity: SR's. SR1: SR2: SR3:
  2. Hbd bro:)
  3. Date: 23/04/2021. Activity: SR's and VIP's. SR1: SR2: VIP1: VIP2:
  4. Date: 23/04/2021. Activity: SR's and VIP. SR1: SR2: VIP:
  5. Address: The House Of Love Corp Account name: Diexx Last seen: 8th march 2021 Screenshots:
  6. Date: 15/04/2021. Activity: SR's and PBR at SF. SR1: SR2: PBR:
  7. Date: 13/04/2021. Activity: SR's and VIP. VIP: SR1: SR2:
  8. Because tazer doesn't work as it should. Sometimes it doesn't have any effect on crim, you need to shoot him twice or more, sometimes it works with only 1 shoot. The same happens with the nightstick, you rush to arrest crims at sr, you hit all crims around,but somehow you only arrested some of them.
  9. good luck
  10. Date: 02/04/2021. Activity: SR's. SR1: SR2: SR3:
  11. Date: 31/03/2021. Activity: SR'S and PBR. Screenshots. SR1: SR2: PBR at LV:
  12. Date: 30/03/2021. Activity: SR'S SS: SR1: SR2: SR3: SR4: SR5
  13. dutchman our hero
  14. Date: 22/02/2021. Activity: SR and Vip. SS: SR: VIP:
  15. Address: Bc Motel Room #12 Account name: black0pro Last seen: 12th January 2021 Screenshots:
  16. Address: Bc Motel Room #12 Account name: black0pro Last seen: 12th January 2021 Screenshots:
  17. Date: 19/02/2021. Activity: SR. SS: SR1: SR2: SR3: SR4:
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