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Everything posted by AntaR

  1. Name:Saymon Nationality:Algerian English proficiency:7/10 Punishment history:2 OR 2 when i was new Reason of your application to2 the Royals: im good and loyal player ill help the squad
  2. good luck brother
  3. I was taken off apply
  4. Why
  5. 07
  6. Why I am not a good player
  7. Ingame name: 203|SayMon Username:Antar17 Country of Residence and Nationality: Algerien( dgalfa exactly). Spoken Languages: Arabic.English Age: 16 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: Well,it was a long time ago,i didn't remeber since when i played,also i was noob player who like to deathmatch&earn money,,but by the time i lern how to play by reading the rules and working with them and now im better than before. Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: C/Rebels C:N/A Rebel MC: I do left,because of inactive gang,(no br's,no turf's..). Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: My in-game nick is Saymon, I am 16 years old and my strengths are Roleplaying and shooting and my weaknesses are being active on Forums. But for now, let's get back to my good side, will we? So I am a really humorous guy who enjoys playing MTA with a good company such as ThC. I don't have problems following orders, even if they differ from my plans. I also respect everyone equally Some more negative things tho.
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