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Everything posted by Axponk

  1. Type Of Activity: Refilling the ALT Refinery Date: 05/09/2024 Participants: @Axponk Duration: 12 minutes Screenshots:
  2. Date: 02/09/2024 Participants: @Axponk @Oscar Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots:
  3. Date: 02/09/2024 Participants: @Axponk @Oscar Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots:
  4. This is an automated post for: Axponk Donation: GBP 20.00 GBP Link to your donation tracker topic: https://saesrpg.uk/forums/topic/37925-donation-point-balance-axponk/ Requested Awards: Vehicle Type: NRG-500 Vehicle Colour: #000000 Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: ab00 Where you want it placed: Yarse Jewelry Store Vehicle Type: NRG-500 Vehicle Colour: #000000 Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: ab00 Where you want it placed: Small Asian Groceries Store Vehicle Type: NRG-500 Vehicle Colour: #000000 Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: ab00 Where you want it placed: Red County Automotives Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: #000000 Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: ab00 Where you want it placed: BC Airport (Verdant Meadows)
  5. Type Of Activity: Refilling fuel stations Date: 16/07/2024 Participants: @Axponk Duration: 17 minutes Screenshots:
  6. Type Of Activity: Refilling the ALT Refinery Date: 14/07/2024 Participants: @Axponk Duration: 8 minutes Screenshots:
  7. Type Of Activity: Refilling the Cuban Oil Refinery Date: 07/07/2024 Participants: @Axponk @Oscar Duration: 6 minutes Screenshots:
  8. Type Of Activity: Refilling the Cuban Oil Refinery Date: 07/07/2024 Participants: @Axponk Duration: 13 minutes Screenshots:
  9. Type Of Activity: Refilling the ALT Refinery Date: 04/07/2024 Participants: @Axponk Duration: 6 minutes Screenshots:
  10. Type Of Activity: Refilling the ALT Refinery Date: 04/07/2024 Participants: @Axponk Duration: 7 minutes Screenshots:
  11. Type Of Activity: Refilling fuel stations Date: 04/07/2024 Participants: @Axponk Duration: 11 minutes Screenshots:
  12. Type Of Activity: Refilling fuel stations Date: 04/07/2024 Participants: @Axponk Duration: 10 minutes Screenshots:
  13. Type Of Activity: Refilling fuel stations Date: 04/07/2024 Participants: @Axponk @Oscar Duration: 5 minutes Screenshots:
  14. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 26/06/2024 Participants: @Axponk @Oscar Duration: 16 minutes Screenshots:
  15. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 26/06/2024 Participants: @Axponk @Oscar Duration: 7 minutes Screenshots:
  16. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 26/06/2024 Participants: @Axponk @Oscar Duration: 4 minutes Screenshots:
  17. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 25/06/2024 Participants: @Axponk @Oscar Duration: 5 minutes Screenshots:
  18. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 25/06/2024 Participants: @Axponk @Oscar Duration: 5 minutes Screenshots:
  19. Date: 24/06/2024 Participants: @Axponk @GetAway Secret Service: @lazar_ @ThunderWing @Phrost @flappy Type of activity: Roleplay together with the Secret Service Duration: 35 minutes Details: The Secret Service had been called to protect an important delivery of banknotes to the Whetstone Bank. After a briefing at BRINKS HQ the agents placed a GPS tracker in the truck carrying the money, and a convoy was assembled to escort the truck. After reaching the destination the Secret Service secured the surrounding perimeter while BRINKS personnel brought the money inside the bank. The convoy then returned to BRINKS HQ after the delivery was complete. Screenshots:
  20. Date: 24/06/2024 Participants: @Axponk Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 5 minutes Screenshots:
  21. Date: 24/06/2024 Participants: @Axponk Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 6 minutes Screenshots:
  22. Date: 24/06/2024 Participants: @Axponk Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 7 minutes Screenshots:
  23. Date: 20/06/2024 Participants: @Axponk @GetAway Secret Service: @Rieeria @Weppo @lazar_ @PhantomS @thunderwing @Laciden Desert Eagles: @Curvy @Infinity @Winter_Soldier @Dinaz Type of activity: Roleplay together with the Secret Service and Desert Eagles Duration: 60 minutes Details: The Secret service contracted BRINKS to transport valuable cargo to the White House. Secret Service agents arrived at BRINKS HQ and briefed the personnel about the upcoming operation, and 15 minutes later we assembled our vehicles in a convoy. We moved to the Flint County Sheriff's office where the Desert Eagles had taken the cargo and awaited our arrival. We lifted the cargo out of the Desert Eagles' Rancher SUVs and loaded it into our Enforcer truck. Upon recieving the signal the convoy moved to the White House, where the cargo was unloaded. Screenshots:
  24. Date: 15/06/2024 Participants: @Axponk @Darius Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots:
  25. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 02/06/2024 Participants: @Axponk Duration: 7 minutes Screenshots:
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