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Everything posted by Dhalma

  1. Address: 3 solarin road Account name: anxhelo00 Last seen: 23 febuary 2022. Screenshots:
  2. Address: 13 el corona Account name: kosid Last seen: 8 feb Screenshots: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/856927207921680405/955905239347757206/mta-screen_2022-03-22_20-05-49.png
  3. see him
  4. @gaithzardi said in Apply: @los_lunas *Giath Zardi *im 15 years old *my strenghts is shooting and driving *my weakness is my patience -Tell us about your SAES Career: *I was in 1 gang at much time it was a gang of mechanics i cant remember now the name but i roleplayed much time with they Why los lunas ?: Because a gang member told me to come in and I got interested. Define los lunas: los lunas /best/ is a gang who need to make much money all days and roleplay a lot Create a story related to our role: The gang protects if there ever happens what happens Why should we accept me?: I can offer a good roleplay I am a good shooter and I am willing to help in everything accept me plz @VeX
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