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Everything posted by Laggiaze

  1. Address: Pine drive Apartment #11 Account name: kiwtfbr Last seen: 2nd april 2020 Screenshots:
  2. In game name: Laggiaze Account name: di26key Discord name: (Laggiaze#7947)
  3. Happy birthday exxxile
  4. Happy Birthday Liderr Lezginkaaa https://youtu.be/E0GitpMp0G4
  5. Reality
  6. Address: Apartment Block 108 Account name: (benlaidabdou) Last seen: 14 th march 2020 Screenshots:
  7. @nyx_ said in 2nd Bracket of the Summer GangWars 2019: Nyx & Cripz https://youtu.be/Ld6nj6xRGK0 Here is the end
  8. Name: laggiaze Username: di26key Team Betting on: CripZ Ammount: 25m
  10. Kalashnikov
  11. https://youtu.be/NRtqDGP1KZc @Duff
  12. Ingame name: laggiaze Ingame username: di26key Previous organizations and leaving causes: I will send pm UE HQs about this question Define Underground Empire: Underground is an organized crime syndicate. They was founded in June 23, 1866. Its like La Cosa Nostra. Difference is that Underground Empire doesnt have ethnic limits also they have really strong brotherhood o keep each-other backs without fear. Some gang members are part of a high society that are known as politicians and businessmen. As a one man says Underground everything's different. What binds you with Underground Empire: I always choose the most appropriate option for me. As far as I can see, the most appropriate option for me is Undergroun Empire What do you know about organized crime: being organized as a team to directly or indirectly controlling the economic, social and administrative structure in order to obtain unjustified benefits and high profits
  13. @Mixpeko said in Happy birthday Brondy: Laggrrrrr upss wrong person Anyways Happy Birthday Brondy Mr.Bazlama on fire! Memed darda tank gryorum kutlamam var. Hbd!
  14. hepi brtdey @nyx_ better run aka civciv 33 auhauhuha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1H20AHNOxY
  15. best of luck! New PKK
  16. no need to say something.
  17. mad virgin
  18. Yayaya coco jambo
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