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woofz's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I. Personal Info In-game Name: Chris Username / Account-name: woofz123 Age:15 Gender:male Rate your English skill level (A1-C2):B1 Nationality:IL Languages Spoken:Arabic , Hebrew and english Average Ping:70-85 Average FPS:60 Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): My name is chris , i live in israel , in a town called ibillin , im 15 years old , the childest kid in the family , i like gaming a lot , and my best games are CS:GO , MTA , Paladins and Black Squad , i have used to play MTA since like 5 years or more , i have a lot of expernice in it , i was a SWAT Leader in other server , i know like a lot of things in SWAT , but like in this server there's many diffrences in it , and i speak 3 languges , arabic , english and hebrew. II. In-Game Experience When did you join the server: as i remember in october something 2019 How much do you play each day:3-5 hours Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: N/A Name the reason(s) for leaving:N/A Current group memberships:N/A If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?Yes i would. Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): two punishments , mute and adminjail Name the reasons why you received these punishments: i just spammed the chat for fun calling an admin name and i just got muted for 5 mins , and the other one was i dmed somebody by fail. III. Personal skills and knowledge Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences. Your strengths: i can learn so quickly and fast and i copy everything , and if i didn't get it i'll never give up i will search in google or ask somebody else , and im so friendly and calm. Your weaknesses: driving any sport cars i maybe start drifting and it ends up in the river etc... Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: i'm interstead to join SWAT for two reasons , one of them that i see the amount of active members in SWAT and i like it's activites and RP , second thing , my frined iTsMe interstead me in SWAT too. Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: i will learn a lot from it , we can say like tactics that only S.W.A.T uses , get respected , and get more behaved and get good skills like to aim , how to use weps etc.. Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):::Another Odrinary day was passing by San Firreo SWAT Officers they were doing advanced pices of trainings and another kind stuff , as usual but in this day , was a diffrence , they recived a call from LV airport that , there's a hostage situations , the captin had to hire the perfect , and fully skilled SWAT officers he had to gather it so quickly for the importanty for this situation so , he made the officers ready about this upcomming event , and staied watching for the reports to send them on the time , he thought the local police had taken the place and deafnces , so he has just to send a little back up , but he didn't expect that situation could be worse as it is , so the terrorists was fully equipped and they had the most unique and best quality weps , the captin has armed he's officers with the best automatic weps and snipers to elimante the terrorists and save everybody that doesn't have a charge in this terrorist event , the terrorists had more advantage for the hostage and the Law enforcement and the Police they have treated them if they move or aim the guns they will kill the hostage and do a lot of bad things like maybe blowing up the place. SWAT they were mount with a lot of skilled officers and the best automatic weapons , in just a couple of minutes they arrived to the airport and they took the best postions to help aiming at 100% to kill the terrorists , without getting seen from them , two or three minutes after taking the places , SWAT has Started the attack , they tried to engage them with the front doors mean while the other unit is flanking from the back of the terrorists and snipers were aiming at the kiddnapers and the deffendrs , the caption started a countdown from three. he said after the count down throw flash bangs mean while the other unit has arrived from the rear gate , captin : 3 , 2 , 1 officers : Flashbangs out terrorists were fully blinded and they took more attention at the SWAT officers that were in the front , the other unit flanked them and got fully control on the area , and got them cuffed and helped the hostage from being killed or hurted , SWAT were on fire they did the mission without any faults and they deserved it becuase they made a lot of hard work , and hard trains. in a couple of hours the newspapers was fully of thankful words to the SWAT team and the captin , becuase without the captin and its tactics and what weapons he picked it couldn't be made like we wish now. SWAT Celebrated and had a lot of fun after this hard and sucesseded mission. :::
  2. i tried to delete it i couldn't...
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