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Everything posted by RafxX07

  1. Address: Paradiso View Account name: svennivenni Last seen: 7th November 2022 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tcP8ksc
  2. Address: The Uphill Gardener Account name: svennivenni Last seen: 7th November 2022 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hedRQlu
  3. Ingame name: 203|RafxX Username: rafxx Country of Residence and Nationality: Im from Croatia. Spoken Languages: my native language is Croatian but i also speak English. Age: Im 13 years old. Date of the beginning of your SAES career: I play long time but when I was younger I did play with my brother, cousin ( @VeX ) and uncle, we started like 2014. Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: I have never been in any gang/squad/group. Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: So, I have to tell u something about me than i will talk about my SAES career. My name is Rafael ingame know as RafxX. Im 13 years old and i live in Croatia. I stared playing SAES 2014 with my cousin and than we gone inactive sinice end of 2017. 2018 my cousin joined in Wild Angels and than i started playing active also. After much time while i did inactive i forgot my old acc password than i had to make new one and now i have 64 hours. when my cousin moved to Germany i stoped playing cuz its bored alone and now i writing this application cuz i started playing again. I love The Company because ThC have much active players, my cousin is there and than i can hang with him. also i like to be spawned as crim, i like to help in bank robbery, turf. I like to do store robbery too cuz there i can DM cops and have fun and I also like to do jail breaks. I wish to be part of The Company one day. I forgot almost all rules but i will learn it again. Thanks!
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