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Everything posted by EmilBaba007

  1. Congratulations. Specially @Duff
  2. @EmilBaba007 said in Gladiators MC: Application Informations (I) Nickname: APaCHe Username: EmilBaba007 Age: 15 Nationality: Azerbaijani Languages you can speak: Turkish, Azerbaijani, English and a low Russian Ingame Informations (II) How long have you been playin on SAES: 1.5 year Previous Gang(s)/Squad(s): N/A Why did you leave/kicked explain the reasons: N/A What stands for DM and give an example: kill someone for no reason for example: kill a player who hasn't done anything to you What stands for Avoid Arrest and give an example: do things that should not be done while escaping from the police for ex: reconnect, disconnect Did you read Ingame Rules F1>Rules?: yes i read server rules Personality Information (lll) Why you are interested in Gladiators MC?: because this gang is a nice and professional gang. And my friend is this gang's owner. Why should we accept you?: I can help gang a lot. What's your favorite motorcycle?: BMW R nineT.
  4. GL
  5. Application Informations (I) Nickname: APaCHe Username: EmilBaba007 Age: 15 Nationality: Azerbaijani Languages you can speak: Turkish, Azerbaijani, English and a low Russian Ingame Informations (II) How long have you been playin on SAES: 1.5 year Previous Gang(s)/Squad(s): N/A Why did you leave/kicked explain the reasons: N/A What stands for DM and give an example: kill someone for no reason for example: kill a player who hasn't done anything to you What stands for Avoid Arrest and give an example: do things that should not be done while escaping from the police for ex: reconnect, disconnect Did you read Ingame Rules F1>Rules?: yes i'll read Personality Information (lll) Why you are interested in Gladiators MC?: because this gang is a nice and professional gang. And my friend is this gang's owner. Why should we accept you?: I can help gang a lot. What's your favorite motorcycle?: BMW R nineT.
  6. @Franklin give me 7 day pls i am not online 7 day
  7. @Franklin no man for application this not requirement? its only oth application and this is not a rulebreak
  8. @Freezoom thank you bro
  9. @AdemBygt senk yu veri much xD
  10. (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/632207208200929280/648153745804492801/logo.png) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/632207208200929280/648153971315179544/history.png 1952 A homeless teenager was going through the road. Suddenly, the vehicle cut across and 3 people landed. They asked me if I was homeless. He said I didn't show up in his clothes. They put him in the vehicle and knocked him out. When he opened his eyes, he first saw a man in a soldier suit he had never met. The man in the soldier suit said, "Don't be afraid, this is your house now." After a few days, the kidnapped man found out that his name was 18th Regiment. And here the homeless are given weapons training. No policeman knew about it. 1955 After three years of learning a lot of homeless people now look at the gun as their brothers. Now the commander was sending the homeless to the city for robberies. 1956 Now all the homeless were coming together. Their job was to become an arms dealer. All Arms Dealers came together to form a gang called Dark Union. Even though it wasn't an official gang, it had a good foundation. 1958 A new homeless Agent come to the 18th regiment, and as a result all the police attacked the base. During the attack, the commander died and many people were injured. After that, people in the Dark Union were dealing with smaller jobs. Until 1990. 1990 The entire Dark Union was torn apart and each cut went to separate gangs. 2019 By now San Andreasta had different gangs. Someone had to set up Dark Union now. And this person was APaCHe. In a short time this news was heard all over the city. As before, the Dark Union could only enter the Arms Dealers. To enter the Ganga, you must first take part in the 18th Regiment and then join the Dark Union. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/632207208200929280/648158909126803470/roleplay.png Arms Dealing - We build beautiful Roleplay in San Andreas by selling weapons to different gangs and people. In our little house, we illegally produce weapons and sell them successfully. So we make a nice Roleplay. We have some errors during roleplay, but we also correct them over time. In addition to Farming - Arms Dealing, we both enter the Voice Chat of our Discord server and make a great Roleplay in the farm, both for making money and for making enjoyable Roleplay. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/632207208200929280/648160299894964245/rules.png -Respect the server rules. -Be respectful to higher ranks. -Don't spam the clanchat. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/632207208200929280/648160655563554836/information.png Organization Name: Dark Union Organization Panel: Dark_Union Organization Founders: @EmilBaba007 Organization Leaders: @EmilBaba007 Organization HQ Team: @EmilBaba007 @Ramin2008 Organization Tags: [DU]Name[RANK] Organization Helper Tags: [18TH-R]Name Organization Color: #c5900f Organization Discord: https://discord.gg/rHEd7Ab Organization Motto: To win, you need to be united, to be united, you need strength. Organization Creation: 20.11.2019 Organization Level: -0- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/632207208200929280/648163756735594516/roster.png LEVEL 5 -> Gang Leader <- [L] [DU]APaCHe[GL] ( @EmilBaba007 ) LEVEL 4 -> HQ LEADER <- [HQ-L] N / A LEVEL 3 -> HQ <- [HQ] [DU]^Mackeanze[HQ] LEVEL 2 -> Veteran <- [Vet] N / A LEVEL 1 -> Family Member <- [FM] N / A LEVEL 0 -> New Member <- [NM] N / A Helpers [18TH-R]Morpheus https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/632207208200929280/648166410215882757/relations.png Alliances: N / A Contacts: N / A Enemies: N / A https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/632207208200929280/648166703762636842/properties.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/632207208200929280/648169604614717441/mta-screen_2019-11-24_18-30-58.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/632207208200929280/648169757698162688/media.png N / A https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/632207208200929280/648169860337106945/application.png In order to join our gang - -You must be active. -You must have decent English skills. Application Format Ingame name: Account name: Discord name & tag: Real name: Age: Gender: Nationality: Languages Spoken: Previous G / S / C (Why did you leave / get kicked): Why would you like to join our organization: Why should we accept you:
  11. @Zei how much ingame money? i need gang topic all banners
  12. @Latinoo thank you very much.but are you joking me?
  13. Welcome to the #V8GANGTEAM ! We are new gang at SAES:RPG. And we apply for gang now. You can join #V8GANGTEAM at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeza5lzoEzm7kOIzFPW90_8Rwf_GoqlpaOAmJ7IfqoOuv8XZw/viewform apply with this link and join #V8GANGTEAM official discord for contact us: https://discord.gg/rHEd7Ab
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