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Everything posted by Orten1

  1. Type Of Activity: Fixing cars Date: 23/03/2021 Participants: - ScreenShots: ::: :::
  2. @mr-togna21 said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive: Date: 21/03/2020 Participants: Orten ( @Orten1 ), Blaze ( @BlaZe ), Togna Backstory: I was chatting around with an @All-Load-Trucking associate, Orten, about engine issues and the various ways to fix them while suddendly a red lowrider car appearead at the gate of TMH headquarters. I immediatly went to the driver and asked what he needed, he prontly explained that his engine had been having issues to him for some days. We asked him to leave the car so that we could take it into the garage and give a look at it, Orten immediatly reaised that the engine had taken some serious damage, for unknown reasons, and so we had to switch it. Unluckily we had run out of spare engines that could fit that kind of car but Orten remembered that at his company base there were some in great condition. So we explained the situation to the driver and decided to tow the car to ALT's base. When we arrived we fastly unscrewed the old engine and mounted up the new one. After a run test everything was working great and the driver was happy about the efficiency and quality of our work. We arranged the payment and later went back to relax. Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Type of activity: Trucker Date: 18/03/2021 Participants: - Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Participants: - District: Las Venturas And Los Santos Shift period: From 12:03 To 12:22 Number of vehicles: 19 vehicles Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Type of activity: Delivery Man Date: 18/03/2021 Participants: - Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Type Of Activity: Mechanic Date: 16/03/2021 Participants: - ScreenShots: ::: :::
  7. @DarkSideR time to go back! Good luck! <3
  8. Type Of Activity: Mechanic Date: 13/03/2021 Participants: - Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. @franklin said in Hell Raisers MC | Media Archive: 147th Roleplay Date: 13th of March, 2021 Short Scenario: We had quite a bit of free time lately so we decided to call one of our friends to bring us some old, completely fucked bikes so we could repair them and upgrade them into some expensive ones that we would sell afterwards, we gave the old man a call and the next day he already arrived with plenty of bikes, firstly we had a little chat and then we went on with business, luckily the man was pretty fried in the head so we got them for even a cheaper prize than they're worth, I took a look around the bikes to see if everything is alright and afterwards I paid the old man his money, he had a pretty big smile on his face while driving his truck out of Dillimore. Participants: Franklin, @Orten1 Organizations: ~[Hell Raisers MC]~(33033f) & ~[All Load Trucking]~(orange) Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 13/03/2021 Participants: - Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Type Of Activity: Delivery Man Date: 11/03/2021 Participants: - Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Near Disk Between BC & RC and LV You can come too fast to event :D Starting bid: $30.000.000 Min increase: $5.000.000
  13. Participants: - District: Los Santos and Las Venturas Shift period: 10:00 - 10:17 Number of vehicles: 13 vehicles Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Type Of Activity: Delivery Man Date: 07/03/2021 Participants: - Screenshots: ::: :::
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