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Everything posted by Orten1

  1. Killing policeman [#9] - 06/04/2023 @Jamal @Orten1 @Serpent Outside our base, me and my gangmate were chilling on the stairs. Then, we got a call from a very old trusted customer. He said he wanted us to kill a cop. That cop was messing with their gang and has information about them and the cop also killed one of the gang members and the old man wanted to avenge the fallen brother. He told us to kill him while on duty, he also said "No Witnesses.". So we went to find this "cop". We took our snipers to easily kill him and leave no traces. After finding the cop, we quickly take our positions and kill the cop. The cop was easy to kill since he was in an open area. After killing him, we ran away from the cop's corpse. We have satisfied another customer.
  2. Patrol: #3103 Personal Patrol: #33 Participants: @Orten1 Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 15mins+ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NibEIiT
  3. Date: 06/04/2023 Type: Vanella https://imgur.com/a/hEnvyya
  4. Date: 06/04/2023 Type: Vanella https://imgur.com/a/uERu2uz
  5. Activity: #650 Activity Type: DeliveryMan Transportation Date: 06/04/2023 Participants: - Screenshot(s):
  6. Team Death Match (TDM) [#67] - 04/04/2023 Winner(s): @Lily @BobMarley
  7. Selling Drugs [#8] - 04/04/2023 @BobMarley @MartinF513 @Orten1 One of our Glavas' was called by one of the local people of the area. Before handling business with them we did a background check on him to see if he was a cop or not. Apparently he wasn't so we sent one of us to discuss business with him. Apparently he was a part of a criminal organization which needed high quality drugs. The accord was made and we decided to deliver the goods in this exact location. It was one of the gangs magazines to keep their goods. We called one of our other Newbies to fill the two vehicles with drugs. We used the van as bait which was only with flour and the car contained the goods that were requested. Both vehicles took different routes to not raise suspicion on the authorities. Gladly everything went as planned and the both vehicles arrived safely to the location of delivery. We emptied the car which was loaded with drugs and we let the client try a sample of our finest Mexican cocaine. The client liked the quality and decided to buy our drugs. It was a good day of business in the end of the day but we also gave contacts to each other for further business.
  8. Buying Weapons [#7] - 02/04/2023 @Fatroucha @Orten1 @Jamal.G As I was roaming Las Venturas, I remembered that we lacked guns from our base. Due to the fear of being attacked while having no guns, we went to buy some from another gang. We had to travel to Los Santos. It was a long trip, but we eventually got there. When we got there, we quickly discussed about the transaction due to the fact that cops are everwhere. We immediately checked out the guns that we were supposed to buy. We checked it out if it's fake. It took a long time on the guns, but we eventually got them. We quickly loaded the guns in the back of the van. After that, we left off and quickly rushed back to the base. If we took too long, we might've ran into some cops.
  9. Date: 02/04/2023 Type: Vanella https://imgur.com/a/Vcoebvn
  10. Date: 02/04/2023 Type: Vanella https://imgur.com/a/tIvxKuG
  11. Date: 02/04/2023 Type: Vanella https://imgur.com/a/6WHJlWC
  12. Date: 02/04/2023 Type: Vanella https://imgur.com/a/cVftYNR
  13. First one warp and buy Extasy wins [#66] - 02/04/2023 Winner: @IroNNe
  14. First one warp and buy Weed wins [#65] - 02/04/2023 Winner: @mrkvo
  15. Air Box [#64] - 02/04/2023 Winner: @IroNNe
  16. Carshow [#63] - 02/04/2023 Winner: @mrkvo
  17. First one warp with girl skin wins [#62] - 02/04/2023 Winner: @Aoxy
  18. First one to repair Orten car at G6 Area wins [#61] - 02/04/2023 Winner: @Proton
  19. Last Women Standing [#60] - 02/04/2023 Winner: @FrankTomas666
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