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Everything posted by Wegz

  1. Yes, I am referring to the Discord role. The idea is to have a dedicated group of event organizers who can plan and announce activities without needing to be Staff+
  2. Activity Type: Stopping LV PBR FBI Members Involved: @Legend @Weppo @PhantomS @Dazai @Wegz Date: 02/09/2025 Screenshots:
  3. Activity Type: VIP FBI Members Involved: @Limits @ThunderWing @Wegz Date: 31/01/2025 Screenshots:
  4. Activity Type: Stopping SR FBI Members Involved: @Samuel3021 @Wickness @Wegz Date: 31/01/2025 Screenshots:
  5. Why is the "Event Organizer" role restricted to Staff+? I believe this should be reconsidered, as the role doesn't necessarily require that position. The purpose of this role is to organize events and make announcements to enhance the community’s experience, going beyond the usual routines like SRs/BRs. If this role were given to the right people, the server could have more frequent and engaging activities. I understand that turnout might vary, but having consistent events could bring the community together more often and make the game more enjoyable. For example, we could host weekly tournaments, use funds from the SAES safe to organize events, and establish a regular schedule rather than having events every now and then. Even if not everyone participates, those who do would have fun. Even if the role remains for Staff+, I suggest setting up players who are free for these activities and rotating shifts when someone is busy. What’s your opinion on this suggestion?
  6. where is @MaZen20??
  7. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: speed21 Your ingame alias: Wegz Your real name: Khaled Your DOB: 14/01/04 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Egyptian Country of residence: Egypt Language skills: Arabic Native, English Fluent English Proficiency: Fluent in spoken and written English. How long you have been playing: Since 2015, but I've been on and off till 2023. Your strengths: - I like teamwork and collaboration, too, and I'll make sure all voices get heard. - I am flexible among multiple roles, and I'll be able to change the way I play according to the needs of the team or even the challenges we go through. - I think that I am pretty good at looking for practical solutions for circumstances, and that is going to be helpful while solving an issue. - I can facilitate the coordination of the team through the verbal provision of instructions and remarks. - I'm active on the server and easily reachable for any questions or support. Your weaknesses: - I sometimes get entrapped in perfecting my skills and techniques, resulting in indecisiveness. - I put much emphasis on the analysis of problems for their solution and hence am sometimes late in acting when situations need quick action. - Normally, I handle stress and pressure quite well; however, there have been situations where even the very high levels of pressure got me feeling submerged. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: I have been a member of the server for quite a long period, whereby over this period, I obtained insightful knowledge and experiences that I feel shall add weight to my efforts. I am excited about the prospect of imparting my growing knowledge to other members in this capacity. I have seen the inconveniences that could arise from mistakes, but also the enormous positive impact that CS is able to produce. Being a witness of such dynamics gave me quite a confidence boost; now I know what exactly I want to achieve and am aware of what kind of obstacles may appear on my way. Well, it now appears to be the time for me to get involved with this and bring my experience and commitment to dynamic, growth-enabling community. A position that would provide me with a platform to give back to the community within which I grew up and was profoundly influenced while growing up-to say the least, I am quite eager at the prospect of being able to contribute toward making such long-standing difference. Unique qualities you can offer: I believe in my ingenuity and resourcefulness in terms of meeting challenges to capitalize on opportunities that these present for our effort toward meaningful outcomes. I am of the view that CS has a lot of latent potential: all those roles that could be leveraged so much more than just the standard duties. Tapping these would give us an expanded server experience and provide the unique touch in making an interactive and fun environment for one and all. This is the role I wish to play because I have a passion for bringing new ideas and novel solutions. I'm adept at the interaction with members from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds and assist with fostering an inclusive atmosphere in the gaming ensemble. My goal is to entertain server members with activities that they find meaningful and by being supportive of them, whether experienced or new. I draw motivation from a deep appreciation of improvement in any form, and approach each new project with the potential to benefit the community at large in mind. Server Memberships: FBI - PC Additional information: N/A Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: 2023: Admin-jailed from Element, punishment lifted after proven innocent. Previous (legitimate) bans: 05/31/2024: Banned by Blade, unbanned after proving innocence.
  8. This is an automated post for: Wegz Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Link to your donation tracker topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your donation tracking topic link and requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Mountain Bike Vehicle Colour: White Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (speed21) Where you want it placed: qwikbonds For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  9. Name: Wegz Username: speed21 Age: 20 Nationality: Egyptian Squad: FBI Policing Groups: ProCop Pro Cop Since (date): July 10,2023 Previous Experience: - Previous PARS HQ - Previous SAFP subHQ - Currently FBI ASAC (Tester) Why would you make a good tester?: I became a police officer in 2015, and since then, I have accumulated a great deal of experience and knowledge of the police system. I've had a lot of experience interacting with and learning from other fellow officers throughout the years, and this has really improved my ability to evaluate and understand people around me. My experience as a police officer has given me invaluable insights, and I'm excited to share my knowledge and offer new suggestions with the department in order to enhance operations.
  10. Account name: speed21 Property Name: Bone County General Store
  11. Activity Type: [Bank Rob] FBI Members Involved: @Spanish @Troones @Wegz Date: 25/3/2024 Screenshots:
  12. Creating a new feature that will allow you to turn ON/OFF bank robbery alarm sound by typing for example /brsound to toggle the alarm sound off, same command to turn it on once again. Everybody probably experiences some annoyance from the alarm sound during a bank robbery; whether you are listening to music or not, it can occasionally give you a headache. In order to enjoy music or anything else, you must disable MTA sound, which prevents you from hearing your enemy's footsteps.
  13. Activity Type: [Store Rob] FBI Members Involved: @Angel.@Sanfara@Wegz Date: 20/3/2024 Screenshots:
  14. Activity Type: [Bank Rob] FBI Members Involved: @VenuM@Elias@Troones@Scorpyo@Wegz Date: 17/3/2024 Screenshots:
  15. Account Name: speed21 Property Name: Get Inn Motel Room #3
  16. Activity Type: [Casino Rob] FBI Members Involved: @Spanish @GetAway@Kwonj1ral@Scorpyo@Wegz Date: 9/3/2024 Screenshots:
  17. Activity Type: [Bank Rob] FBI Members Involved: @Oscar@NORI91@Kwonj1ral@Wegz Date: 4/3/2024 Screenshots:
  18. In Palestine, deaths are a daily occurrence; any moment, a child, an elderly person, a mother, or anybody else, could become a victim. We constantly receiving terrible news to the point where, because it comes from Palestine, the word "death" seems normal to us. We can only pray for our friends, family, and loved ones in Gaza because I have no idea how or when this war will finish. Peace be with you, Mr. Khaled and his mother. I hope they are in better hands and somewhere better than constantly being in a state of war and having to deal with explosives whenever they go about their daily lives in their homes. May peace be extended to every innocent person who lost their life in Gaza, particularly Mr. Khaled and his mother. We hope they are at peace and will always be in our hearts and memories. إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون.. اللهم ارحم موتاهم واغفر لهم يارب
  19. Activity Type: [Bank Rob] FBI Members Involved: @Sanfara@Scorpyo@Wegz Date: 2/3/2024 Screenshots:
  20. **Activity Type:** [Store Rob] **FBI Members Involved:** @montana2001@Final@Beast_@Wegz@Spanish **Date:** 27/02/2024 **Screenshots:**
  21. Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved: @NORI91@Troones@Wegz Date: 26/02/2024 Screenshots:
  22. Display Name: Wegz Username: speed21 Link to ALL Donation Topics: Total number of Donation Points: 20 Points
  23. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? July 31, 2023 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: (Already removed) Vehicle 2: (Already removed) Location: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: NRG-500 Location: (Qwikbonds - speed21) Vehicle 2: Stratum Location: (Qwikbonds - speed21) Username: speed21
  24. Nickname: Wegz Ingame account name: speed21 Discord name and tag: jordi#9732 How long you have been playing SAES?: Since 2015 Server Memberships: FBI Your strengths: I may contribute by being a kind and patient person. To be honest, I prefer to teach individuals a lesson rather than punish them immediately, but I do make sure they don't make the same mistake twice. In addition, I work really hard and feel that I should give the position everything I have. I can help with teamwork and communication, which are important. I am a responsible individual who can assume accountability when necessary. However, I'm active and make an effort to initiate things. Your weaknesses: I don't make mistakes very often, but when I do, I occasionally pretend that I'm not wrong and may argue. Last legitimate adminjail: 1/2 years ago Last legitimate ban: 2017 Additional Information (Optional): N/A Have you read the entire topic before applying?: Yes, I have
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