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Everything posted by Spinkes

  1. username :alliances last seen : 09 /12/2018 SS:https://imgur.com/a/DjByd1u
  2. Jailbreak 27- Helpers - @Jasser Screens: ::: https://imgur.com/a/kHaVsOv :::
  3. ~[Training Number:]~(#cc3000,black) 2 ~[Training Title:]~(#cc3000,black) Training for Air Rescue Forces ~[For Which Forces:]~(#cc3000,black) Air Rescue Forces ~[Participants:]~(#cc3000,black) @NORI999 @Matias ~[Screenshot(s):]~(#cc3000,black) ::: https://imgur.com/a/LCnZvj3 :::
  4. Jailbreak 26- Helpers - @Petrow Screens: https://imgur.com/a/YvWoND9
  5. ~[Event Number:]~(#cc3000,black) 2 ~[Event Type:]~(#cc3000,black) Chicken Shooter ~[Event Forming:]~(#cc3000,black) @RikKi ~[Winning:]~(#cc3000,black) O|Bor|Beer ~[Screenshot(s):]~(#cc3000,black) ::: https://imgur.com/a/Ks6FqRN :::
  6. **********! ~[Training Number:]~(#cc3000,black)1 ~[Training Title:]~(#cc3000,black)Measures to be taken against natural disasters ~[For Which Forces:]~(#cc3000,black) Ground Rescue /Forces Mountain /Rescue Forces / Naval Rescue Forces /aIR Rescue Forces ~[Participants:]~(#cc3000,black) @SoulFly @Judyes @NORI999 @Asgal @Rowdy35 @Lio ~[Training Story:]~(#cc3000,black) No one is expected to be stuck in a potential dangerous situation like a natural disaster. If nothing is inconceivable, setting a plan and knowing what to do can make a difference for you and your loved ones. This is why me and @SoulFly trained the new members. We made a meeting and we went to the city and we entered the cinema and each one took a seat and an educational video was talking about the first steps when natural disasters occurred. After the video, Soulfly added some information to the trainees like Measurements that need to be taken against natural disasters and medical assistance for lightly injured and seriously injured also added what should be done at the time of an earthquake ~[Screenshot(s):]~(#cc3000,black) ::: https://imgur.com/a/SpSFf8u :::**********
  7. username :tbds last seen : 04 /12/2018 SS:https://imgur.com/a/eojmO6o
  8. @SoulFly thnx mate <3 @DarkSideR Your friendship is my gift bro <3 @Noisyboy aychou weld majhoula <3 @KARIM 5ouya l 4ally thnx <3 @lil_borivoje thnx mate <3 @Chief thnx mate <3 @Dexter sexteretta thnx brother <3
  9. @Judyes a ta7an aychou <3 @Radrick bro thnx <3 <3
  10. @NORI999 ya 9a7ba tnx <3 @James broth thnx <3
  11. H.B.D. <3 <3
  12. @Franks thnx bro <3
  13. aychou sniper <3 <3
  14. @Spicey rlly trhnx bro u made my day and that mean a lot for me <3 <3
  15. good luck guys
  16. Before: ::: ::: After: ::: :::
  17. username :ugurcan44 last seen : 23/11/2018 ss:https://imgur.com/a/Zsbq7Sd
  18. username :eilai111 last seen : 23/11/2018 ss:https://imgur.com/a/IuCzTrl
  19. -Section 1- Username:spinkess Real Name:ahmed In-game Nick :Spinkess Nationality:Tunisian Country of residence:Tunisia Age:19 English proficiency:8/10 Other Languages:arabic and frensh -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?:Outbreak organization is one of the most activiest group in Saes, i have many friends there, also jail breaking is literally the thing that i pass hours doing it daily Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?:I see that i'm ready to make part of OB since i'm active trustworthy and mature also i'll try to help OB to get high levels as much as i can How long you been playing in SAES?:2 years ago Current group membership(s):n/a -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: Hello, my name is Ahmed im 18 years old , I live in Tunisia. I study in the technical sciences in the last grade. I have been playing saes since 2017. I practiced boxing for 7 months and then I went to bodybuilding after I had a fight with my coach because he distinguished betwen us. Then i moved to wrestling And from there i began to play saes and i began to neglect both wrestling and study. When I started I was rejected by all the gangs but I did not forget theChance that Pitoco gave it to me. I proved myself and i made new friends. I'm more attracted to the game and I spend all my time there.And now I'm trying to join your oganization because I see that it has a great future. I don't want to miss the opportunity.
  20. username : bunnyxd last seen : 30/10/2018 ss: https://imgur.com/a/wfUwPyT
  21. username : bunnyxd last seen : 30/10/2018 ss: https://www.jawharafm.net/ar/
  22. username : seriallp last seen : 11/11/2018 ss :https://imgur.com/a/3dxy9gC
  23. Good luck @Makaveli
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