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Everything posted by SergioR

  1. AA:p Assisting BR THC LS 27,12,2021 @Crash @Razer @Terry @joakito @CheeZzy AA:p Assisting BR O TR 27,12,2021 @Crash @Razer @Terry
  2. AA:p Assisting SR LS 27,12,2021 @joakito @Razer AA:p Assisting VIP RC 27,12,2021 @joakito @Razer
  3. Display Name: Sergio Username: sergioR Link to ALL Donation Topics: 30 points 10 points Total number of Donation Points: 30
  4. This is an automated post TXN ID: 71D0960036926320C Donation Amount: 15.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic. Vehicle 1: Alpha Location: Tinkers Whore House Username: sergioR [s=Here Locations Cars] [/s] Vehicle 2: SuperGT Location: Tinkers Whore House Username: sergioR Vehicle 3: stuntplane Location: LV AP Username: sergioR Interior: Interior 11 Property: Tinkers Whore House [s=Here] [/s] @Brophy
  5. Address: Vehicle Maniacs Base Account name: JuustuSa1 Last seen: 15th November 2021 Screenshots: Here
  6. Account name: SergioR Icon name: Rennies Love Den Account name: SergioR Icon name: Trailer Park 3
  7. HBD
  8. Assisting Store Robery Whenstone Activity date: 21/11/2021
  9. Assisting VIP SF Activity date: 21/11/2021 @Narcos @Razer Assisting BR SF RF Activity date: 21/11/2021 @Narcos @Razer
  10. Assisting BR Z RC Activity date: 21/11/2021 @Narcos @Razer Assisting BR O LS Activity date: 21/11/2021 @Narcos @Razer
  11. Assisting BR UE LV Activity date: 21/11/2021 @Skinner @Razer
  12. Date: 20/11/2021 Event: LMS Total Prize: $1.000.000 LWS: @koko Winners: @Youssef-1 Screenshots : [s=] [/s]
  13. Activity date: 20/11/2021
  14. Activity date: 20/11/2021
  15. ~[GXT Members:]~(#e43205) [GXT]Sergio<XT> (Me). ~[Time Taken:]~(#e43205) Almost 60 minutes. ~[Deliveries:]~(#e43205) FILLING GAS STATIONS ~[ScreenShots:]~(#e43205) ::: :::
  16. ~[GXT Members:]~(#e43205) [GXT]Sergio<XT> (Me). ~[Time Taken:]~(#e43205) Almost 2 hours. ~[Deliveries:]~(#e43205) delivering oil to refinery ~[ScreenShots:]~(#e43205) ::: :::
  17. ~[GXT Members:]~(#e43205) [GXT]Sergio<XT> (Me). ~[Time Taken:]~(#e43205) 50 minutes ~[Deliveries:]~(#e43205) Trucking Around San Andreas ~[ScreenShots:]~(#e43205) ::: :::
  18. ~[GXT Members:]~(#e43205) [GXT]Sergio<XT> (Me). ~[Time Taken:]~(#e43205) 40 minutes ~[Deliveries:]~(#e43205) Trucking Around San Andreas ~[ScreenShots:]~(#e43205) ::: :::
  19. ~[GXT Members:]~(#e43205) @DocPizza [GXT]Sergio<XT> (Me). ~[Time Taken:]~(#e43205) Almost 50 minutes. ~[Deliveries:]~(#e43205) FILLING GAS STATIONS ~[ScreenShots:]~(#e43205) ~[Situation before:]~(#e43205) Here ~[Delivery: ]~(#e43205) ::: ::: ~[Situation after:]~(#e43205) Here
  20. ~[GXT Member(s):]~(#e43205) [GXT]Sergio ~[Activity:]~(#e43205) deliveries and Repairing and Refueling Cars around Las Venturas. ~[Duration:]~(#e43205) Almost 2 hours ~[Screenshots:]~(#e43205) ::: :::
  21. ~[GXT Members:]~(#e43205) [GXT]Sergio<XT> (Me). ~[Time Taken:]~(#e43205) Almost 40 minutes. ~[Deliveries:]~(#e43205) FILLING GAS STATIONS ~[ScreenShots:]~(#e43205) ::: :::
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