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Everything posted by Hassoni

  1. Like @Tritosh says you wouldnt find any joy in hydra 1v1s its completely fucked. However if this gets implemented that may be incentive for hqs to fix the bugs seeing as more players would be involved, and no longer a "too much effort for too little benefit" situation @NanoBob wouldnt u agree eh
  2. It's time for results! @xPaw said in FOX - FOX Operations X: 1- Name:: Bostjan 2- Ingame name: Mr.PhoenixX Most of our old guys remember you and your time in FOX back a few years ago, and it's good memories. After discussing you, we have come to the decision to ~[accept]~(green) you. Welcome back to the team! @Bourne said in FOX - FOX Operations X: 1- **Name: Nejc 2- **Ingame name: Bourne 3- **Age: 21 4- **Sex: Male Having patrolled with you quite a few times, the FOX team are really looking forward to having you join our ranks, congratulations! Contact an sHQ+ for your tests. FOX HQ
  3. FOX crew: ~[Hassoni, Elektrik (:3), Richard]~(navy,black) Date and time of the patrol: 26-02-2020, 16.00+ Screenshots:``` ::: :::
  4. @Mert-Aaron, @Matthews, Congratulations! Your applications for FOX have been ~[accepted]~(green,green), contact any member of the HQ team in-game to proceed! Regards, FOX HQ Team
  5. BUMP on this cause I think this suggestion is really needed. Here's another clip of a DF i did recently https://streamable.com/6kxxj pretty damn shitty system as you can see, cause when Im locked (red marker) only one out of every 10 missiles launch or so. Compare this to the video of dinosaur's DF system i linked above and you'll see what a truly refined system looks like. @SAES-Developer consider howlze's hooker deal it's a win win for everybody
  6. I love CLO cause they are only big group stand vs 2 big groups cops HLS DE Law - 2020 :clap: :cry:
  7. Date: 02-10-2020 The place of the event: G6 Area, Bone County Event type: Sniper CQC Tournament LWS: Sam & Matthews Prize: $8.000.000 Hosted by: FOX Operations X Winner: [FBI]Schwarz Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. This has been an issue for many years and bringing light to it has never done anything in the past, hope someone will actually get off their ass and do it this time around Here's what the DF system looks like on another server - https://youtu.be/T0SLVRnCM38 , it's refined and has a lot more features, unlike our buggy and completely untouched system.
  9. FOX crew: ~[Johnny, Legend, Ha$$oni, Split, Danniel, Shaggy, Beast, Toolbox]~(navy,black) Date and time of the patrol: 02-10-2020, 20:45+ Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Dear Applicants, it's time for some results; @Beastt, Congratulations, your application for FOX has been ~[accepted]~(lime), you're an old cop and I've personally heard a lot good about you! An sHQ+ will reach out to you ingame for testing. @Sultz, Thank you for applying, your application is currently under review and we'll return with results as soon as possible. You could make yourself known amongst our members in the meanwhile. @Kyle Wish you luck in your search for a spawn with level 0 combat shotgun, because what could be more important about joining a squad than its guns? Regards, FOX HQ
  11. FOX crew: Legend, JE, Mystic, Hassoni, Albie, Scorpyo, Split, Reacher NON FOX CREW: Beast Date and time of the patrol: 07-02-2020 22.00 - 23.15 Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. FOX Crew: Hassoni, FireFox, Mootje, Mystic, Marko, Legend Date and time of the patrol: 18/01/2020 21:15 - 22.00 Screenshots:
  13. FOX crew: Hassoni, Legend, Scorpyo, Danniel Date and time of the patrol: 12-01-2019 15.30 - 16.00 Screenshots:
  14. Hello Valete & Nsoder, as already informed to you in-game, you're unfortunately denied, one for failing the test and the other in voting part. Thank you both for your interests. You'll have the possibility to re-apply starting this Saturday. & @Mysticuff , you're pending as you're currently being decided on. Thank you for your patience! Kind Regards FOX HQ
  15. Stopping a BR FOX crew: Hassoni, JE, Danniel, Dyam, Legend, Predator, Howlze, Scorpyo Date and time: 05-01-2020 18.30 Screenshots:
  16. FOX crew: Hassoni, JE, Danniel, Dyam, Legend, Predator, Howlze, Scorpyo Date and time of the patrol: 05-01- 2020 17.45 - 18.15 Screenshots:
  17. FOX crew: Dyam, Hassoni, Scorpyo, Howlze, Quiz, Johnny Date and time of the patrol: 03-01-2020 18.00 - 18.30 Screenshots:
  18. I would agree with this if not for the fact that DE is a responsive group, and therefore CLO having HS on 24/7 really isn't comparable with DE having it too. DE would only be able to use it in instances where SAPD calls for military backup, so jail & BRs... Whereas CLO isnt a reactive group so theyd make use of it way more frequently and in more general circumstances against cops
  19. FOX crew: Hassoni, Scorpyo, JE, Enemy Date and time of the patrol: 01.01.2020 21.00 - 21.45 Screenshots:
  20. Address: Church of Ghosttown Account: emirhanpolat Last seen: 24th November, 2019 Screenshot: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/556568954278248449/658793639157432332/unknown.png
  21. @TaaviLaudur amazing self portrait 10/10 @TaaviLaudur said in [SUGGESTION] Remove the Cop side:
  22. @Ironclad Dear applicant, congratulations on passing both your theoretical and in-game part of our recruitment process! In-game invite already handed out, enjoy your time! For the rest of our applicants, hold fast, results coming soon, keep doing what you're doing. Regards, FOX Operations X Headquarters
  23. Thank u all!! :crazypepe:
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