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Everything posted by juanes12

  1. Date: 29/03/2021 - 40 minutes Participants: Type of activity: money transport LV-SF Description LV bank money transport Link to images: ::: Spoiler Text :::
  2. Date: 28/03/2021 - 40 minutes Participants: @LAPD_Spanish_VEN Type of activity: money transport LS-SF Description LS bank money transport Link to images: ::: Spoiler Text :::
  3. Date: 27/03/2021 - 40 minutes Participants: N/A Type of activity: money transport LS-SF Description LS bank money transport Link to images: ::: Spoiler Text @LAPD_Spanish_VEN :::
  4. Date: 26/03/2021 - 40 minutes Participants: N/A Type of activity: money transport LV-SF Description LV bank money transport Link to images: ::: Spoiler Text @LAPD_Spanish_VEN :::
  5. Date: 25/03/2021 - 40 minutes Participants: N/A Type of activity: money transport LV-SF Description LV bank money transport Link to images: ::: Spoiler Text @LAPD_Spanish_VEN :::
  6. Dj: Me Broadcasted on: 30/02/2021 Duration: 40min ::: Spoiler Text @Pothead @Gasper :::
  7. Part I: How much have you donated for the server?50gpb When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: first time Why do you need this change? I bought a house and I want to sell the house where my cars are Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/post/284358 https://saesrpg.uk/post/283886 https://saesrpg.uk/post/284385 https://saesrpg.uk/post/283049 Links to your previous donation changes requests: n/a ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: buffalo, infernus, landstalker and cheetah Location: ( I sold my house in lvx and I want to remove my cars "3 River Street") Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle :=Change all the cars I have in my house (rocktesko west1) and put them in my new house (3 river street) Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades:v8 +awd Location: Username: (Juanes12) Interior: large 22
  8. Eliminate this post :)
  9. Date: 19/03/2021 - 40 minutes Participants: @NEUTRO Type of activity: money transport LS-SF Description LS bank money transport Link to images: ::: Spoiler Text @LAPD_Spanish_VEN :::
  10. Date: 18/03/2021 - 40 minutes Participants: @NEUTRO Type of activity: money transport LS-SF Description ls bank money transport Link to images: ::: Spoiler Text @LAPD_Spanish_VEN :::
  11. **LV BR 8/8 - 18/03/2021 ::: Spoiler Text :::
  12. Date: 17/03/2021 - 40 minutes Participants: N/A Type of activity: money transport LV-SF Description LV bank money transport Link to images: ::: Spoiler Text @LAPD_Spanish_VEN :::
  13. This is an automated post TXN ID: 7VV9902362407173H Donation Amount: 15.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: cheetah and nyan cat wrap Vehicle Colour: black Specify any upgrades: v8 awd Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) juanes12 Where you want it placed: in my house rocktesto West 1 For any help with rewards, please check this topic. @RAMPAGE
  14. @rampage But I still don't have my car :c ahahhahaj
  15. This is an automated post TXN ID: 6L030921SG4145949 Donation Amount: 15.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: landstaker Vehicle Colour: White Wrap from Weed (5 gbp) Specify any upgrades:v8 awd Interior : Largue 23 Usernames to lock: Juanes12 Where you want it placed: Rocktesko West 1 For any help with rewards, please check this topic. @RAMPAGE
  16. This is an automated post TXN ID: 7NT46206PN4131535 Donation Amount: 5.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  17. Event Towtrucks Race Winner @SlapBobs LWS: @Garcia Prize 1.000.000 ScreenShots ::: Spoiler Text @MrSolrac ya ta :::
  18. This is an automated post TXN ID: 47L62379SC899472D Donation Amount: 20.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Buffalo. Please do not sort the vehicle if the generic wrap isn't added yet to server https://github.com/saesrpg/donation-vehicle-shaders/issues/225 Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: v8 and awd Usernames to lock: juanes12 Where you want it placed: @Brophy confirm pls
  19. Type of activity: Roleplay Date: 03/03/21 Participants: @KanoX another day started ... I was about to go out with my tow truck to visit San Andreas, but before leaving the phone rings. I decided to go to answer, when I answered a person a little alarmed spoke to me, I asked him who he was and he told me "I am the FBI agent kanox and I need your urgent help" I proceeded to ask him for his location, he told me that he was in whetstone in a forest close to him. In my mind I said "uuf how lazy to go to that town, but it is my job and I will do it well" I hung up the phone and proceeded to go to the place where the officer was. When I got to the place I see a truck taking out very very black smoke, I got under my crane and proceeded to check the engine to see what had happened, I opened the hood and a lot of smoke came out, I don't know how I can get to that state of the vehicle, but hey, I continued Checking I open the water cap, and I see that it does not have a bit besides that I see the oil and they had not changed it a long time ago, it was normal for it to fail with such mediocre conditions that maintained that vehicle. I proceed to hook up the officer's truck to my tow truck bound for the ALT base, arriving I decided to ask him why they had the vehicle in these conditions, he replied "we have mechanics who check the vehicles every week, I don't know about that" now thinking about it How can they have mechanics like this? they don't even know how to change the oil. I entered the workshop and unloaded the vehicle in a crane that was in the workshop, I went down and started to remove the components I needed to repair the vehicle, I took out the filter, a new oil, water and a new refrigerant, at that moment I thought " I better check everything so you don't have any more problems "I looked at the vehicle and everything was deteriorated, thank goodness I took out the important thing. I proceeded to change everything for the operation of the vehicle and effectively stopped smoking the car, what greater happiness I felt at that time. I lower the vehicle to Mr. Kanox and proceed to return it to him, he told me "how much do I owe you sir?" and I told him quiet, I'll pay for it, go and catch the criminals, he shook my hand and left. It was one of the best feelings in life, well until today I felt so tired that I decided to go to sleep. Dear: Juanes12 Screenshots: ::: Spoiler Tex @MrSolrac pa que disfrutes :::
  20. TXN ID: 01U32275NV094230U Donation Amount: 10.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: StuntPlane Vehicle Colour: Primary color = blue secondary color = black ((that of the stickers)) smoke = blue Specify any upgrades:N/A Username to lock: juanes12 Where you want it placed:
  21. This is an automated post TXN ID: 8RW43311M8608625M Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  22. Account name:juanes12 In-game name:O|Juanes12 Age:17 Primary Language: Spanish English proficiency: 7/10 Current Gang/Group(s): Gang: The Outfit Group: ALT How long have you been playing MTA/SAES: 2 years Why do you wish to join us:Because I like the role, besides that I have a lot of friends within this organization and I would love to spend more time with them Why should we choose you: Because I'm good in role, I can be there whenever a partner needs it, be in meetings if they're done and help in any way I can Explain NLE role in your own words: It is a very well-formed criminal group, where it carries out many activities such as extortion, human trafficking, etc ... all this is done in order to be the largest criminal group Have you ever been banned, or get into trouble whit staff? If yes, explain. N/A Has anyone recommended you to apply, if yes Who? Yes, kodigo Additional information that you would like to add: N/A
  23. Eliminate this topic pls
  24. Type of activity: trucking Date: 28/01/2021 Participants: none Screenshots:
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