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Everything posted by Law

  1. @zoro YA sorry about it i forget ETF too :buffkys:
  2. @Honer112 XD sorry bro wasn't knowing this :disappointed_face:
  3. @daryl 11 Nov 2019, not so far from 2020 and I Hope we respect each other not saying donkey or dog because We are old for that.
  4. @velona I wish i can add more bro but its limited
  5. With my respect to all votes End in midnight of 1/1/2021
  6. With my respect to all I Put new names here even HQ admins few not that active but just for FUN :face_blowing_a_kiss: votes End in midnight of 1/1/2021
  7. I only put what I see active in the game with my respect to all votes end in midnight of 1/1/2021
  8. @brophy After I see List of it I AGREED 100%
  9. Jailbreak #1738 ~[(]~(red)~[53 min )]~(red) Outbreak Members: Me @koko @Zinyako @JaKeL @Rainy @ColdPlay @Kaioshin Outbreak Helpers: @Pog @Alexis @RiKkI @Razer @MaZen20 @Fasito @Hetler @Stoner Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Date:2/12/2020 Assisting Z| BR at BC Assisting NAVM| BR at SF SR
  11. we near the end on 2020 , so I try to suggest something fun will be in the history of saesrpg like we make votes for the best admin and best cop best gang player best squad best gang most Famous player of the year and bad admin worst cops +squad +gang and most bad Hated player of the year Even for groups, too I don't ask to make it for prize or something just for remembering of the history of saesrpg about the good year we spend in server Hope all have a good year :)
  12. Date: 30/11/2020 Assisting TT| BR at SF Assisting TT| BR at RC
  13. Trucking around all San Andreas with @gullbooy ::: :::
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