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Posts posted by XpooKs

  1. 1- Name (optional): Shady
    2- Ingame name: XpooKs
    3- Age: 18
    4- Sex: Male
    5- English proficiency: uh, 7/10 I guess.
    6- Native language: Tunisian.
    7- Other languages: English and a little bit of french.
    8- Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No
    9- When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: I joined saes 2/3 years ago I can't remember.
    10- Total gameplay (hours): 4.4K hours
    11- Approx gameplay daily (hours): daily I don't know, depends really, but I will say 1/2 hour max due to my studies.
    12- Average FPS: 60
    13- Average Ping: 50-60
    14- Previous organizations and reasons for departure: Wild Angels: Left to join the cop side ( for the first time)
    Underground Empire: Left cuz I had some problems with a member ( it was some bullshit reason I don't even know how I got mad over that but ok)
    Special Task Force: uuuuuuuh, I didn't like the cop side. It was so boring playing alone ( it was before the kill arrest and country banks KEKW)
    Tuga Thugs: I left after 2 years sadly, I still respect the fact that without this gang I wouldn't be where I'm now.
    Hell Soldiers: They welcomed me so hard and I wont forget that, but not gonna lie, I think that I'm done with the crim side, I'm not having fun at all while playing as a criminal. I just want something new.
    15- Are you an active user of Discord?: Yes.


    A. Define our role (FOX): Fox role is defending/protecting the citizens of SA from the criminal activities.
    B. Define marker arrest: arresting someone when he is stuck at the marker ( bank robbery marker)
    C. Minimum arresting level: 10.
    D. point out and define 4 major server rules:
    Do not abuse. ( Don't use any kind of bugs)
    Don't DM. ( don't random kill people for no reason)
    English in the mainchat ( I Have around 180 mutes in 1 year)
    Do not camp at the hospital.

    E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest:
    Well because RP is a part of the game and since we know SAES is an RPG server, so most of the time we should try to RP before we go for an arrest.


    I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: Well, my name is shady, Im 18 years old, currently I'm a computer science student and It's my last year in the high-school ( hopefully ), I like to play video games like any gamer in my free time, I like to go to the gym and I like to chillout with my Irl friends outside too.
    II. Write your strengths and weaknesses: My strengths are Shooting,Cracking,Driving,Flying aircrafts and Trashtalking.
    My weakness is RPing, lord I hate it especially in this server.
    III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: Because, It's the only squad that I think I can fit in it since most of my ( copside friends) are fox members.
    IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I'm not a typical tunisian player ( kekw), I like to play in group and help my teammates with my experience also learn from them. I'm not a braindead tunisian who goes ooga boga on the mainchat ( Im lying ) because of random shit.
    V. Do you have any additional information you want to add:? Nope.

    Retard test: Post a picture of White House in Los Santos to even be considered to join Fox Operations X.




  2. @Howlze I see another version of jojo's asslicking right here but in a professional way... The hell are u talking about blablabla developers are doing it because they enjoy it the guy just told you its been like 7 years now since they updated the bullet sync and everyone is literally crying about fixes yet we get ignored ( or more like " I'm looking into this " and fuck my ass if he does something about it or even fix it ) Let's talk about the crouching bug, its been like 6 months now? more? I don't know to be honest with you every time we start talking about the bug u get some bullshit response, Imagine people are getting punished just because ur lovely developers couldn't fix the bug. ( 6 months now they couldn't have a free time I guess to fix it yeah sure brother)

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