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Everything posted by XpooKs

  1. Address: El Aczteca Account name: cutiecutes Last seen: 20/06/2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/C6btPPY
  2. wrong
      • 1
      • Haha
  3. Address:kmetas bulgarian bukkake caravan Account name: trippyboy Last seen:5th june 2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LzkZba0
  4. Date: 10/07/2024 Turf SR SR UE RC BR UE LV BR Casino Robbery Assisting AA BR Assisting YZ BR
  5. Date: 05/07/2024 UE LV BR Turf Turf Date: 06/07/2024 Turf Turf Assisting AA BR UE RC BR Assisting Yz BR UE BR LV SR Date: 07/07/2024 Turf Turf AA BR Assisting Turf R BR Assisting Turf Turf KJ BR Asstisting SR Yakuza BR Assisting
  6. Date: 03/06/2024 HR Date: 04/06/2024 SR Date: 08/06/2024 Assisting SM BR Assisting SM BR LV BR RC BR Date: 09/06/2024 HR
  7. Date: 19/05/2024 Assisting Cripz BR
  8. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Infernus Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) LS GlenP prop Vehicle 2: Shamal Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) LS ap Vehicle 3: shamal Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) BC airport vehicle 4: Infernus Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) SF prop Interior: Username: (YOUR USERNAME ONLY, USE ./DVM FOR ANY ADDITIONAL USERNAMES) chadi147
  9. Date: 13/05/2024 Turf Date: 14/05/2024 Turf Date: 15/05/2024 Turf Turf Date: 16/05/2024 Turf Turf Date: 17/05/2024 Turf
  10. Date: 11/05/2024 Turf Turf Date: 12/05/2024 Turf Turf
  11. May you and your mother souls rest in peace my dear friend, gonna miss you for sure.
  12. asslicking ingame asslicking in forums asslicking in discord and propably being a cuck irl get urself another hobby ffs
  13. [Ingame name:] xpooks [Ingame username:] chadi147 [Previous organizations and leaving causes: ] Too many that I lost the count but I will mention PARS : dead [Define Underground Empire: ] Organised mafia gang that owns LV casinos [What binds you with Underground Empire:] my gipsy friend ue absent aka wilson convinced me that we will conqueror the turf wars if we are in the same gang and also i want to be in the same side as my soussian and algerian friends. [What do you know about organized crime:] Organized crime operates through a structured method in tackling illegal activities, utilizing a hierarchy where every level has distinct roles essential to overall success.
  14. Hi, we dead cuz why not, bye. @Scorpyo please don't forget our deal.
  15. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32589/donation-point-balance-xpooks/1 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) I will show ingame Interior: Vehicle 2: Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) I will show ingame Interior: Vehicle 3: Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: LVPD car + pars wrap Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) PARS base Vehicle 2: LS police Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) pars base Vehicle 3: stratum police Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) pars base Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) pars base Interior: Username: (YOUR USERNAME ONLY, USE ./DVM FOR ANY ADDITIONAL USERNAMES) chadi147
  16. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32589/donation-point-balance-xpooks/1 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: LV police Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) I will show ingame Interior: Vehicle 2: LV police also Wrap Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) I will show ingame Interior: Vehicle 3: rancher Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) BC airport Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: LVPD car Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) PARS base Vehicle 2: Ranger car Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) pars base Vehicle 3: maverick Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) pars base Vehicle 4: statrum police Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) pars base Interior: Username: (YOUR USERNAME ONLY, USE ./DVM FOR ANY ADDITIONAL USERNAMES) chadi147
  18. I suggest: -reducing the Bank reset time to 1 hour or 2. -Remove the BR limit for a gang. ( gangs should prioritize the gang who didn't BR if there are 2 regroups for two different BRs ) -( What lincoln said ). -Improve / change City bank's interior as they are so damn unbalanced if we going to remove kill arrest.
  19. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32589/donation-point-balance-xpooks/1 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: LV police Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) LS pd Interior: Vehicle 2: LS police Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) LS PD Interior: Vehicle 3: FBI RANCHER Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) SF Pd Interior: Vehicle 4: fbi rancher Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) ls pd Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: LVPD car Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) PARS base Vehicle 2: FBI rancher Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) PARS base Vehicle 3: LSPD car Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) PARS base Vehicle 4: Shamal Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) PARS base Interior: Username: (YOUR USERNAME ONLY, USE ./DVM FOR ANY ADDITIONAL USERNAMES) chadi147
  20. People who frequently engage in turf battles will understand what I'm about to explain. Sometimes, during a sniper duel, many sweaty-ass players ( UE / burako / most of latinos / me ) tend to crouch frequently, causing a synchronization issue. As a result, one must predict the opponent's head position. When the opponent is crouching, even though you can see them in a crouched position, you must aim for their head, and vice versa. Considering this, I would like to suggest the addition of a cooldown period for crouching and another cooldown period for standing up again. The duration of these cooldowns can be further discussed
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