Hello fellas, This is my first time suggesting something, well since the cops are crying way too much and criminal life is too nerfed ( togglewalk removed for gangs, kill arrest everywhere ( jail, Banks) and the 2 shots taser ), I was thinking about this for a while now since we cannot nerf the taser why we don't buff the weapons so like that it's a bit fair for both sides, because to be honest It's a bit weird a newbie arresting experienced players since the taser is way too op and you cannot escape it unless the cop have a bad aim. so I would like to see your opinion about this : Increase sniper damage to >> 50 per shot Increase rifle damage to >> 25/30 per shot ( I hope this suggestion revive this weapon). Increase deagle damage to >> 40 per shot Increase M4/AK damage to >> 15 per shot I will leave a pool for you guys, and I would love to see your opinions about it around. thanks for reading.