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Everything posted by kipt

  1. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  2. No bids from the past 7 days. Feel free to create another topic if you wish to resume this auction.
  3. Sorted. Thanks for reporting. PS: Changed the name to "flat_appartment".
  4. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  5. @PsyNator, you have a couple of hours to fix the screenshot and get this sorted.
  6. Failed to find a SAHA within 48 hours. Property set for public sale.
  7. Failed to find a SAHA within 48 hours. Property set for public sale.
  8. This property got sold here.
  9. @PsyNator First, I'm not sure if 'edge123' is actually inactive or not since you looked for a different account name. Secondly, even if that was the right account you can see that his last login was July 7th which means that the player only goes inactive tomorrow or more precise at midnight (in about 7 and half hours server / forum time). Third and last, fix the screen as soon as you can.
  10. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  11. http://prntscr.com/oois2x No need to press anything, just hover your mouse above the profile pic.
  12. I don't mind the idea. But maybe adding them to the 'criminal team' once they got jailed and keep them there (criminal spawn) until they respawn. Now about letting them participating in criminal activities, I'm not sure tbh, but I wouldn't mind that much.
  13. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  14. No new bids for the past 7 days. If you wish to resume this auction feel free to create another topic.
  15. No new bids for the past 7 days. If you wish to resume this auction feel free to create another topic.
  16. No bids for 7 days. Feel free to create another topic if you wish to resume this auction.
  17. No new bids from the past 7 days. Feel free to create another topic if you wish to resume this auction.
  18. No bids from the past 7 days. Feel free to create another topic if you wish to resume this auction.
  19. No new bids from the past 7 days. Feel free to create another topic if you wish to resume this auction.
  20. No new bids from the past 7 days. Feel free to create another topic if you wish to resume this auction.
  21. No bids for the past 7 days. Feel free to create another topic if you wish to resume this auction.
  22. @Siirtuga said in SAES DICKSIZE POLL: @Filex xDD You can't call this 'useless'. Filex is doing a market research, for his taste. And apparently, rzz0 is on the lookout as well.
  23. @Groove said in Adjust country rifle damage: @kipt said in Adjust country rifle damage: @Groove said in Adjust country rifle damage: @kipt That's the whole idea of the topic. Make it a viable alternative to the sniper ;) Who gonna replace a sniper for that? I mean, in jailbreaks, for example (and in my view), that sure ain't a bad idea but still, don't see many people making that change. The idea isn't to outclass the sniper, but to make it shine with its own capacities resulting at the end on it being a somewhat ok alternative to the sniper. You'd be surprised on how good it can be in a JB if used properly :P that's what I said @.@
  24. @Groove said in Adjust country rifle damage: @kipt That's the whole idea of the topic. Make it a viable alternative to the sniper ;) Who gonna replace a sniper for that? I mean, in jailbreaks, for example (and in my view), that sure ain't a bad idea but still, don't see many people making that change.
  25. Who uses them? Besides LWS Trusted with togglekick on??
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