Ingame name: 203|Plenary Username: Plenary Country of Residence and Nationality: Finland & Finnish Spoken Languages: Finnish, English Age: 18 years old Date of the beginning of your SAES career: Joined in 2017 Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: I was part of a cop squad called NSA. I left the gang since the people in there were unrespectful and then I stopped playing MTA:SA for a while. Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Hi, my real name is Leevi. I am a 18 year old guy from Finland. I'm a chill, loyal and humorous guy who loves to spent a lot of time with friends. I love videogames and in real life I work as a chef. I live on my own so i have a lot of time to be active on SAES:RPG. I want to join ThC because I've met a lot of the gang's members and they are all so nice and respectful. Teddy reached out to me and asked if I'm interested to join. I've been hanging around with Teddy, Hrl, Crossma and Vanja lately. I like them all. Today I met the leader, Adistar, and he was a really nice guy and made me want to join even more. The reason I'm looking for a crim gang is because I've already experienced a little bit of being a cop and it was not my thing. I love playing as a criminal but I have no experience being in one of the criminal gangs.