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Posts posted by JoseFrags


    Nickname: JoseFrags
    Username: josefrags
    Age (D/M/Y): 04/18/2002
    Nationality: Tunisia
    Gender: Male
    Current gang/squad: Underground Empire (UE)
    Current group membership(s): San andreas Medic (SAM)
    Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): San andreas Studio (SAS) for being inactive
    Have you been punishment in the last 2 months? If yes, why?: No


    Why would you like to join our company?: Feeling I want a new experience and I do like RPs. So I think this is the perfect fit for me. I really like the civilian role. Whenever a cop turns his sirens on behind my truck, I love to stop and have a nice little roleplay with him. Its pretty chill, but at the same time superfun!
    And its not all about trucking. Global Express Trucking has my favorite civilian roles. Being a mechanic or trucker. Feeling I want a new experience and I do like RPs. So I think this is the perfect fit for me.

    Can you offer anything special to the company?: I can bring a loyal, friendly and respectful member. A member who has a lot of experience about trucking, and who doesent screw around. Im the kind of person who does what he is told to, and who also comes up with good ideas
    Which division do you prefer? Trucking or Mechanical? (State the reason as well): Trucker , Ever since I signed in to saes:rpg I have been a trucker.


    Your strengths /weaknesses: I do think that my biggest strengths is that I'm a mature guy, experienced and quite active for anything ingame. Such as RPs, events. Weaknesses, I just had a little break due to a lot of high school and might not remember every single animation. I also have some periods where I have to work a lot.

    What does roleplay stand for?: Roleplay means to act out the role of the character you are spawned as. Are you spawned as a criminal character, you should act like one. On the other side, if you are spawned as a cop you should follow the laws and do whatever cops are ment to do.
    It is also possible to gather some people and act out a situation.
    Do you have any experience in roleplaying? Yes i do
    Are you capable of obeying orders? Yes i'am
    What do you do if someone insults you in main chat?: I'll ingore him.
    What do you do if someone deathmatches you?: I'll report him
    Additional Information: N/A

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