Roleplay Number : #6 Roleplay Story : Once we felt like we are in a need of cocaine we decided to make a move our storage is almost done and we will need more Drugs, especially Cocaine, hand made Cocaine, Deity told us about very infamous and unrespected persons their base is located in Red County, but unfortuantly they won't accept money and they don't consider anyone as a friend they just do buisness entring their base is actually a threat already so we have to prepare for evrything, we discussed evrything so well i made some calls to know what they look for so we can make an exchange deal to get enough cocaine packs, i knew that they always look for arms, high quality one and with an enough amount of ammo i can get an enough KG's of cocaine as well, we already had our boxes from Organization Zero but that's intouchable we can't risk passing a month without arms so Catholic.Deity said that an ammunation store has a great quality ! and new one batch of weapons arrived some days ago, we got ready and we went to the location we made evrything in a clean way we killed the ammunation store owner so we make sure cops can't know us we secured the area for minutes we tried to make it as fast as possible and we did it. That was kinda the easy part, the hard one is incomming which finiding the paramilitary base in Red County mountains, we were lucky it took from us a little while, while entring they already had their weapons ready we was like the army attacking them, but withnin some seconds they noticed that we ain't there as a threat we were there for buisness, evrything was official no familiarity, i just revealed i'm there for buisness so i got into their office and told them about the deal they accepted it at the first in many conditions to try the ammo and get refunds if anything happen, we was sure about what we have so we didn't deny anything then i presented the other part of the deal the most imprtant one actually, the Cocaine KG's, fortunately they had many packs of it, and hand made which is the best thing for us, so we just negociated the deal it was all clear i had a talk with Pope.TripleX it was beneficiary for us 100% and same as them they discussed it and accepted the deal And to continue another deals they offered us a free package of cigarttes which we apperciated it, we have now new trustable Cocaine producters which we will need them in the future to continue the taking over of the drugs market in San Fierro. With who? : Undisputed Command Date : 22.10.2019 Screenshots: ::: :::