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Everything posted by Angelo

  1. verified.
  2. Sorted, still needs forum donator group approved.
  3. Sorted.
  4. It's fine in my opinion because it does not give you much of advantage. The roof was mainly made for helicopters to land and take off.
  5. Happy birthday mate!
  6. Rest in peace.
  7. @fyrr said in Mention the first person you met.: @ardron said in Mention the first person you met.: Around the first people I met on saes were Ricarda, @Fyrr @Angelo or @Leon! July 2013! Good old SAPA days :D ! Those days were fun, good memories.
  8. problem with these kind of topics is they sooner or later get forgotton and become outdated.
  9. spoiler test ::: text here ::: looks like you can't open the spoiler straight away after posting the reply, you need to refresh the page before being able to open/hide it.
  10. sorted
  11. this goes in the private forums but I suppose you don't have access to that and didn't bother request it since you are leaving anyway. Anyhow, good luck, hope will see you reapply when SAPA becomes a group :)
  12. traffic skin/spawn re-added, female officer was moved to skin ID 13.
  13. current female skin will be moved to another skin as soon as one is found, traffic skin will be re-added later on.
  14. @bas260 said in New forum discussion: @Angelo I found the function now hoping its not a permission fuck up what?
  15. @bas260 said in New forum discussion: Could it be added that we're able to mention ourselves wow you're that lonely!
  16. @brophy said in New forum discussion: Would be easier if people didnt have group names like a mile long :P Put a limit on those, people won't respect that just because you mentioned it
  17. make a poll either here or on the same post you made on the other forum
  18. @Brophy, this new system forces a forum creation per group which may not be convenient and/or practical. What about people who want to create sub forums in their organisation forum that are made for organisation purpous only or that is open to public such as an application/recruitment sub forum? Also, this system allows anyone to create a group which means the ability for anyone to create a sub forum. Isn't that a bad thing to have when there are hundreds of players, I can see this abused causing a huge amount of useless forums around. At last, the current system forces the sub forum that is created along with a group to be created in one specific forum. What if I wanted to make a squad with the forum being inside RPG Policing ?
  19. discuss things
  20. site is great. It's too early to judge performance since there is only a few topics and not so much traffic. As for issues: the scroll bar doesn't seem to sync with the actual page height, for example, right now the scrollbar has reached the top, I can't drag it anymore using my mouse eventhough I'm able to navigate the page up using the scrollwheel which works fine. Would like the ability to view all the messages in my inbox, not only the unread ones. then there is this which I'm sure you noticed: Other than that, I haven't got the chance to test out a few new features such as groups and topic/forum moderation.
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