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Everything posted by nyx_

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gv-z6KTAZU&t=1s
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7qx0euul3w
  3. vehicles removed and new placed by teddey stuntplane > LVA hotring racer , jester > BB Base hotring racer > property in LS
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHBBv-H2Q8o&t=26s
  5. ice sam ; they're making fun of us ice polat ; Admins shouldn't tell somethings like that . Selling big props , huge one. Who wants base , pm me
  6. happy birthday sekerim
  7. 13.4.2019 LS BR ::: ::: 14.4.2019 LS BR ::: :::
  8. 11.4.2019 LS ~ SF BR ::: :::
  9. What I Want to be Removed cabbie - bb base Want to be Added beagle - LVA Username: bedirhan12121
  10. kardes happy birthday
  11. im coming to elektro in racunalniska solo ptuj for birthday party :birthday: uh huh ..FRRRRRRRRRR WA !!!!! RELAX :smile_cat: happy birthday jebi se :two_hearts:
  12. nyx_


    @Filex said in Finally: @nyx_ said in Finally: If you really think about leaving the server someday, please don't forget to leave the forum :kissing_cat: :call_me_hand: im joking cutie
  13. nyx_


    If you really think about leaving the server someday, please don't forget to leave the forum :kissing_cat: :call_me_hand:
  14. happy birthday dostum
  15. Happy birthday
  16. @ElPadrino said in happy birthday Expert !: @nyx_ said in happy birthday Expert !: @GanJa said in happy birthday Expert !: amin. THATS NOT DOUAA LOL
  17. @GanJa said in happy birthday Expert !: amin. Happy birthday expert
  18. Adress : RS HAUL CORP Account: mazen147 Last seen: 17th march 2019 screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/f1n95Xi.png
  19. last seen 17 march 2019. sorry for double post , i cant edit
  20. https://i.hizliresim.com/zjkAl4.png
  21. Bye batya. I hope one day , Dodger will follow your steps.
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