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Everything posted by SKY-911-

  1. Date: 11/20/2023 Activity: Stopping SR, Stopping BR & and patrol Participants: @Troyano@kellerman@Jean75002@Quality Screenshots:
  2. Date:8/28/2023 Activity: Stopping 2 BRs in a row Screenshots:
  3. Thank you I really appreciate it guys
  4. S.W.A.T. Activity: Weekend Patrol and turf clearing Date: 08/28/2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. I think we should just bring back the old jail as a whole and leave it as that. If we have two jails now, you are going to divide the server even more.
  6. The old one for sure. We should not take another gamble of keeping the new one and improving some things on it.. what if we dont like it? We didnt have a problem at all with the other jail. The new jail doesnt even feel like a jail at all to be honest.
  7. "I suppose this is due to cops being too many and gang members not even bothering to play the game anymore." This is not a true statement at all. Even before this event. you guys clearly out numbered us on any given day. max 20 squads and 60+ gang members online not counting the regular criminals. if anything id say bring back the old jail.. the current one is too easy for cops and boring. Criminals don't even JB as often as the older jail because they will be stopped in a matter of seconds. I actually like this current BR system
  8. S.W.A.T. Activity Weekend Patrols, Bank robs and SR's Date 05/08/2021 ** ::: Screenshots: ::: **
  9. S.W.A.T Activity: 1/31/2021 Responding to BR and clearing JB with other squads. @bas260 Screenshots: ::: Spoiler Text :::
  10. Type Of Activity: Refilling Station at Yesterdays event and offering repairs Date 01/09/2021 Participants: me Screenshots: ::: Spoiler Text :::
  11. Your ingame username: sawadogo1 Your ingame alias: SKY-911- Your year of birth: 1998 Your gender: Male Nationality: American Country of residence: United States of America How long you have been playing SAES: I have been playing since the year of 2013, that would be roughly 7 years. Qualities you can offer: I definitely would say that I am open minded, avoid unnecessary petty drama, would also say that I am very mature and a problem solver when it comes to conflicts also able to be fair when it comes to situations. due to my schedule, I am mainly on at night times Eastern, when the server is half empty. I do not have the answers to everything, I am a person that always leaves a mind open willing to face new challenges and learn new things everyday. Your weaknesses: I wouldn't say I have any obvious ones but I do procrastinate sometimes. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes Reason for application: I have always wanted to be part of the SAES team. I do enjoy assisting and helping people. On this server people do come and go on this server and I believe, as a long term member here, its a great idea to give back to the community by enhancing the player experience for new players and for the future. Many of us have grown up on this server and it has shaped many of us and has had a major impact in our lives. I also mentioned that I am a night time player on the server, during those times.. most staff and admins are off due to time zones and I believe I can fill that role during those times when help is needed. Server Memberships: I am a member of SWAT, ALT and ProCops Additional information: none to add, keeping it simple brief and honest as possible. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I have been muted in the past years Previous (legitimate) bans: N/A
  12. S.W.A.T Activity: Night time patrol around SA also SR clearing with other squads Date : 01/05/2021 Screenshots: ::: Spoiler Text :::
  13. S.W.A.T Activity: Late Night time Patrols With@Dj-appa ::: Screenshots: :::
  14. im late but happy new years
  15. brb let me get my moms credit card
  16. This is an automated post TXN ID: 16C729044D473690S Donation Amount: 1.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  17. S.W.A.T. Activity 09.04.2020. - Night time Patrol & BR Screenshots: ::: Screens - :::
  18. S.W.A.T Activity | Nighttime Patrol 03/04/2020 ::: Screenshots :::
  19. SWAT Sunday Activity 7/14/2019 ::: Spoiler Text :::
  20. America
  21. SWAT Activity 12/9/2018 -Weekend Activity- Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ei4VdF0
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