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Everything posted by Ban

  1. what is this retarded topic
  2. Instead of some distance to safes or areas, there could be a script like; the more bullets you shoot, the more money you get. Because the main thing is defending right ? (As it says on the notification, you get x amount of money for defending the bank robbery ...) So you put some efforts with using your bullets instead of standing near the safes, selling and waiting for money to come.
  3. Reporting after getting jailed doesn't really solve anything, you just get the same punishment as the guy who arrested you. Except for the red text passing by in the chat. Are you gonna say that it will ashame him ? i don't think anyone really cares about it.
  4. Event Number : #29 Event Type : Freeway Race Event Prize : 1.000.000 $ LWS/G6 Helper : Brondy Winner : SheraP Screenshots : ::: :::
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