Ingame name: Sir.Shay Ingame username: 215lSir.Shay Previous organizations and leaving causes: I never was in any organization Define Underground Empire: Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is organized crime syndicate. All started on 23 June 1866, when few former confederate soldiers were traumatized because of war, their families were killed by soldiers, and they couldn't get work, so they decided to get rich. They started to do many criminal activities, first one was corupting politicians. Now Underground Empire is known from: weapon and drug trafficking, money laundering, corrupting politicians or cops and contract killing. What binds you with Underground Empire: To UE binds me a few people i know on the server. The one i know the best is a person called Krecik What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a crime, that have many professional people in. They are doing many criminal activities. Examples of organized crime are mafia's, crime syndicates etc. Main goal of this kind of crime is getting money, as much as it's possible. Everything they do is very good planned, they don't have any accidents/mistakes in their job, cuz they know that can pay a lot. During planning something, they expect everything can happen.