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Everything posted by Cookie

  1. Nickname: Cookie Username: AddictedCookie Age: 18 Nationality: European,Bulgarian Languages you can speak: English(almost at a C2 level...almost); Russian (My Russian is nowhere near as good as my Eng, but I'd say it's near the B1 lvl); Bulgarian(As this is my first language I speak it at a native level) Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : It has been a month full of experiences. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : GJMC, GRID, TT, MI6, Rebels MC, Green Barrets,HS, SK, SAPA, ALT If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : It was my volition to leave all of them... it was all in order to search for the place where I could truly feel myself at home. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) :Yes, I have been banned from SAES:RPG before(PS: after the whole ordeal I'm about to explain was over I appealed for my ban to be lifted, and the admins approved) It all happened when I made a second account after being denied access to the gang: Bad~Boys. The account held the name |Beast| and the whole idea I had going on back then was to simply vent some of my anger in the form of a post. In which I used offensive words and vivid descriptions to create a fanfic about RonSeal(The previous owner of the server domain) and another guy whose name I forgot. It recieved mixed opinions and responses mainly because most ppl thought it was a joke and hadn't taken it seriously, meanwhile I logged in my main account ( from the same IP;Serial ) and wrote something of the sort( Hahahhaha are you retarded bro ). after which one admin noticed that we had identical IP adresses and removed Beast completely while I was left muted, branded a retard, and scarred from the humiliation I'd brought upon myself. As I watched the account and relationships which I've developed for more than a year crumble in the span of minutes, I decided to quit mta altogether. What groups are you currently part of? : As of now I do not partake in any groups. Personality Information : Not so honorary student, addict, ex basketball player, bball fanboi, like to watch cartoons/anime <I appreciate the work put in by the artists and writers to create works of art>,gamer, barrister wannabe, I'm just a regular everyday normal mofo, working on my short temper xdd. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I am nobody special, I don't stand out with fancy tags or spawns, all I can offer right now is the person I am. If that isn';t enough then I suppose I should work on myself more before attempting to join. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: The Black~Bullets are an organisation which fronts as an "Investment Corp" by providing people who wish to invest their money a fair percentage of interest which correlates with the ammount of time they are willing to leave their cash in our care. But in reality Black~Bullets are an organisation which specialises in the "cleanup business" or to put it more simply, Each branch member could be employed at an given time as a "Gun-For-Hire" , if the amount of funds required to perform the hit is met. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : Because I heckin' love ya guys. Through good and bad it's been all laughter and funzies with y'all. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : I don't know if you guys feel the same but I consider the lot of you as my friends... If I have to name a few it'd be: Honer,Rythm,voli,A7MD you guys have helped me out aaaaa lot. I've nothing but respect for you fellas :) Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : I am sorry for not being able to play regularly as of late, I've been struggling with some stuff at home which I am not comfortable sharing for all to see (If you are wondering just ask, I am not hiding anything), so that's why I will try to get back into action ASAP now that my entrance exams are over :). See ya in-game mates ~#0065FF Cookies in the jar
  2. @James I'd like to see you hold a tazer in 1 hand and hit someone with a batton at the same time
  3. @Niceez (because the moment a cop stops holding the tazer and switches to the batton the stun goes away after 1 second) I will leave that to your imagination
  4. A new simple proposal. Improve the tazer in-game model and make it short range(like an actual tazer). Instead of firing rounds make it fire those 2 electrified wires. They hit you>You fall on the ground>You get arrested(that's how it usually goes). But with this change it'll be something like this. 1 cop fires the tazer>You get hit and fall to the ground>Another cop arrests you(because the moment a cop stops holding the tazer and switches to the batton the stun goes away after 1 second)
  5. Happy Birthday Bro, have a nice one this time around ;) . Hope your gang continues to develop. Always remember where your journey began and never forget where you want it to end :). ~Best of luck to ya
  6. I would really like for players to share their ideas and recent experiences in the server. This way we could work together to better the community. Balancing SAES is not achieved by removing or adding one thing, it's a constant effort to keep everything in check, and us sharing our ideas here might just help enough to bring "some" balance to the game we love so much.
  7. In the past House Robberies were the single most efficient way for both sides to make money. They spawned at semi-random locations with bigger circles to guard and gave a lot more money than the SR we have now. It will be a good change to bring them back. There also were rules that prevented ppl from camping rooftops which made it a whole lot more challanging
  8. Well, it was worth the try and I am glad I got to hear so many different opinions on the subject. Marko is right, I should spend more time getting adjusted to the changes y'all have been playing with for years now. I can't just come back and remake the whole game :). See you online mates. This thread can be officialy closed for now.
  9. @Tut-Greco The changes have been made.
  10. Ever since I've returned to SAES:RPG after a long break I've experienced numerous Bank and Store robberies. But I have been able to participate in 0 until the end simply because SWAT troopers, DE agents, and regular cops bust through the front door drugged up swinging their One-Hit,Frame Dropping, Insta-Jailing weapons. Not that I mind getting sent to jail after accumulating stars, but having no ability to fight back is what frustrated me. When I asked Daryl about why the cop side is so overpowered he simply replied with: " Well your side has numbers ". While it is true that gangs outnumber squads, it is also true that squad members have access to many class specific weapons that make it easier for them to stop robberies and perform arrests. I am talking about the tazer,rubber bullets and the police batton.I don't want to make this too long so I will say the things that sound realistic enough and easy to implement. 1.Make it so every bullet and type of ammoniton the cops have is made of rubber and applies the slow debuff.Also make the slow effects stack. 1 hit-10% ; 2 hits-20% 3 hits-30%... and so forth. 2.Remove Kill Arrest from the game as it is completely unnececary and frustrating. 3.Think of a punishment for the guys selling drugs to cops near the bank entrances. I had a lot more things in mind when I made this topic but if we can discuss these 2 things for now, who knows maybe there will come a time for the other ideas to be added. Everything below is simply ideas to be discussed as they are not yet ready to be considered suggestions for implementation. The one thing I had in mind when I made this topic was the creation of a gauge/meter which pops up when a cop is nearby a person with stars. I had the idea that instead of insta jailing them, filling up the meter by damaging/tazing/beating them up would create a time window in which A:The person could fight back B:The cop would fill up the meter which would immobilize the player and make him vulnerable to another mechanic that I thought could be implemented, namely the handcuffs. When a player's hands are cuffed he is sent to jail. The cuffing should take no more than 2 seconds and once it is done you are teleported to the nearest jail. Now here are some suggestions as to how the gauge should fill up: Batton: 35-40-45% on hit fill. For many years the batton has been the strongest weapon if a certain criteria is met(having stars) and having it fill up the gauge by this much should keep the feel of it being a powerful tool for arresting people.( Also this is fair because it is a melee weapon) Tazer: 30-35% fill / 30% on hit slow. Since you are basically shot with electricity the slow should be greater than the one you recieve by rubber ammo. Every other weapon: 10-15-20% on hit fill / 5-10-15% on hit slow. You are getting hit by rubber at high velocity, getting hit alot hurts more, simple logic.
  11. Applicant Main Information : Nickname: Cookie Username: AddictedCookie Age: 18 Nationality: European,Bulgarian Languages you can speak: English(almost at a C2 level...almost); Russian (My Russian is nowhere near as good as my Eng, but I'd say it's near the B1 lvl); Bulgarian(As this is my first language I speak it at a native level) Player SAES Career Information : I am a pretty old cookie, I've accumulated playing time close to one year and a couple of months (As it was a long time ago I do not know if it still counts, but I roamed these servers back when RonSeal was the admin, the Desert Eagles inhabiting Area 51 were the most prestigious group you could dream of taking the entry tests for,Squads like MI6 and the Green Barrets were the Lvl4 top dogs, Gangs like AA and BB were still level 3-4, oh and GJMC were just entering the game in San Fiero with Divine as our leader(ah those times were truly sublime). But enought about the past, as this is my new account I currently have less than an hour played in the new SAES. I still remember the rules,what DMing is, RPing, turfs and bank robberies rules are still somewhere in my head. I cannot call myself a Veteran because of the dumb misstakes I'd made, but as a player I am more than capable of being of use to the gang. How long have you been playing on SAES? : Overall time- 1 year : 3-4 months : idk how many weeks and days. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : GJMC/HQ, GRID/VL, TT/lvl 1, MI6/lvl 1, Rebels MC/lvl 1, Green Barrets/lvl 2, and some more for example: there was a gang which used purple as it's main color and their RP was selling drugs, I was also took part in the Black Bullet's trainee sessions with VL Get-A-Grip as my supervisor near Mount Chiliad. If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : People used to call me a GangHopper because I couldn't find a place where I belong, because of that I took part in many activities with different groups and met some good people who were kind enough as to let me wear their tag.When it was time for me to move on I bid my farewell and poured my everything into the next application. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) :Yes, I have been banned from SAES:RPG before(PS: after the whole ordeal I'm about to explain was over I appealed for my ban to be lifted, and the admins approved) It all happened when I made a second account after being denied access to the gang: Bad~Boys. The account held the name |Beast| and the whole idea I had going on back then was to simply vent some of my anger in the form of a post. In which I used offensive words and vivid descriptions to create a fanfic about RonSeal(The previous owner of the server domain) and another guy whose name I forgot. It recieved mixed opinions and responses mainly because most ppl thought it was a joke and hadn't taken it seriously, meanwhile I logged in my main account ( from the same IP;Serial ) and wrote something of the sort( Hahahhaha are you retarded bro ). after which one admin noticed that we had identical IP adresses and removed Beast completely while I was left muted, branded a retard, and scarred from the humiliation I'd brought upon myself. As I watched the account and relationships which I've developed for more than a year crumble in the span of minutes, I decided to quit mta altogether. What groups are you currently part of? : As of now I do not partake in any groups. Personality Information : Pretty chill guy, has a wide array of knowledge and is fun to be around, always ready to help a friend in need and give advice to those who seek it. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Mainy, because I am a good prospect with a decent amount of experience under my belt, and I am familiar with the structure of SAES as a whole, because I was there when the foundations were being laid by the predecessors of the current server population. Still at the end of the day the decision falls entirely upon you, if you accept me I would be happy to finally be a part of this special organisation which has survived through it all, but if you deny me because I lack "current" experience, I'd simply move on and wish you the bestest of luck. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: The Black~Bullets are an organisation which fronts as an "Investment Corp" by providing people who wish to invest their money a fair percentage of interest which correlates with the ammount of time they are willing to leave their cash in our care. But in reality Black~Bullets are an organisation which specialises in the "cleanup business" or to put it more simply, Each branch member could be employed at an given time as a "Gun-For-Hire" , if the amount of funds required to perform the hit is met. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : Because I adore the fact that the organisation is still alive and well-running. Plus, the assassin ways are what I wish to indulge in while RPing, so I think that I'll fit in nicely. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : In the past I knew a bunch of middle ranking members, but I simply cannot recall their name tags. Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : I have written enough words, the next thing I would like to demonstrate are my gameplay skills. PS-Sorry for the occasional typos
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