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Everything posted by Rake

  1. Best suggestion ever hands down +1
  2. @Kruger said in [SUGGESTION] HYDRA DONATION REWARD: Bro, ain't no way we chasing criminals in hydras. At this point, yall are making this pay to escape. We shouldn't have to donate for shit in order to arrest people nor should there be donations that make fleeing easier. Only way this could work is if we make a whole different dimension for it. this ^. a shamal is much different than a hydra, it takes much slower to take off with a shamal and also you can land with a hydra pretty much anywhere given you aren't a trash pilot like teddy. if you are suggesting to use a hydra to travel between SRs then that's a complete no because it is very easy to escape cops that way if you actually know how to properly handle the hydra. On the other hand, if you just want to roam around with a hydra and NOT travel with it to SRs and BRs then sure why not (Maybe a restriction of having 0 stars to enter the hydra?)
  3. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/17507/server-lag-is-making-the-server-unplayable/21 Said issue that can be seen in the topic above seems to be back. The server has been having lag spikes in the past few days (mostly at peak hours/noticeably more at peak hours) and it's beyond unplayable. I am sure others can testify. @Brophy pls fix.
  4. @rikki said in [CHANGE] Tap 'Space' 15 times to attempt to escape taser shot!: I would suggest to Bring Back the old 'tasing script' which been relised in 2014 and i don't know why it been removed ! I presume it was because many people abused it using a macro although it might have been something else which I am not aware of. Nevertheless, I would not mind seeing the taser system being changed (not saying this with the intention of making it more or less challenging than it already is).
  5. @baphomet said in [Question]FPS Problem: My game bugged 3 days ago and I was able to pass through the objects (sr, DE walls, JK base) that were added to the game later. After consulting a few ADMINs, I deleted and reinstalled the game. (both MTA and GTA:SA). But after reinstalling I started to have a serious FPS problem. The problem that didn't exist 3 days ago appeared after reinstalling the game. I can't fix it even though I'm sure I've set everything up properly such as video card graphics etc. Anyone have an idea about this? (Recommendations to buy a new computer will not be accepted :D ) I don't think you will get much help here. I suggest you to ask for help in the MTA Support Section on their forums. I have done it before and they solved my issue.
  6. happy birthday
  7. I actually started my SAES Career as a cop, and frankly it can be a lot more fun than playing as a criminal, but only and only if you work together with other people. I used to roleplay quite a lot, because it was very popular among the community back then and it was tons of fun, not so sure if it is the same way now. Going back to the cop's gameplay - a lone cop can't do much himself, such as police pursuits which is a vital part of their gameplay. And I barely see cops patrolling together, only SWAT here and there. So basically my point is, in order to have fun as a cop you have to work together with other people, because otherwise it gets incredibly boring. I personally don't play as a cop, because I have commitments in TT and I am also a part of CLO. I do sometimes spawn as a cop and play with my friends, and it actually is very fun, but I don't feel like I would enjoy doing it on the long run because arresting can get very stale as it is not that hard to do at all. On top of that, criminals have much more stuff to do such as bank robberies (and I honestly think that attending a bank robbery as a criminal is much more enjoyable than attending it as a cop), turf wars, store robberies (Just like bank robberies, it's a pain in the ass to attend a store robbery as a cop, especially if you are all by yourself because you get ganged up by 20 criminals), gang robberies and so on. Now to my final point, criminals are proactive, while cops are not. Crims are the ones to start/trigger most of the activites, some of which are bank robberies or jailbreaks. It's kind of similar to DE and CLO's situation, where DE is reliant on CLO to do activites, hence why they are sort of inactive most of the time.
  8. Happy birthday, wish you all the best!
  9. @Scorpyo how you doing bro
  10. It's a pain in the ass to search for a specific member in a gang panel with 200 people, so it would be nice if a search bar was added in the members tab.
  11. Happy birthday mi amigo
  12. Happy birthday ahikar
  13. happy birthday brat
  14. happy birthday vice marshal sir
  15. Jailbreak #1420 ~[(30 mins)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Rake @hRL Outbreak Helpers: @Krasava @Link @baphomet Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/XGO8934
  16. Jailbreak #1397 ~[(40 mins)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Rake @Law Outbreak Helpers: @Krasava Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZArAv1X
  17. Jailbreak #1396 ~[(90 mins)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @rykila @Law @Yoko_Kurama @Bodo420 @Kybali0n @Skunk @Velona @Terry @Brondy @DocPizza @Kowalski @PerrooLocoo @Beckham @hRL @Griffin @nicky @ILLUSION @Bodo420 Outbreak Helpers: @baphomet @Moley @Sparrow @Colobria @Versace @Pog @Blu @django @Asexyno Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/t3XSuRR
  18. Another example of major server lag, happened yesterday https://streamable.com/besthh
  19. It would be nice if we could get any updates about the server lag, because it just seems like nothing has changed and it truly is frustrating to play the game and freeze every other 30 mins (a little bit of exaggeration, but just for the sake of my point). Here are some more examples of server lag, and also two examples of a serious issue (crouch desync/c bug or however you would like to call it) which causes a significant flaw in combat (any attempt to crouch is literally defined as "c bug" hence people try to avoid it as much as possible, for more information see groove's topic) I am retarded and I can't make the spoilers work properly. Instead of spamming this post with videos I put the links in a pastebin.
  20. @Brophy Sadly most people don't do it, and unfortunately I can't ask 100+ players individually to unbind it.
  21. The passenger mode is way too buggy and annoying to deal with, especially when organizing bank robberies. I have not seen this issue being addressed on the forums before, despite how serious it is. The main issue is being able to shoot using TAB (people frequently check scoreboard which is bound to TAB, and it also happens to be bound to 'Fire' by default) while in passenger mode, causing damage to the plane or sometimes even blowing it up using grenades. I am sure the majority of SAES are aware of this issue, but I am still gonna leave LAW's video below which shows a few cases of this issue: ::: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUZ5EGZqwmc timestamps: 0:37, 2:07, 2:35, 3:50, 4:25 ::: Some possible fixes could be: Disallowing weapons in passenger mode, not being able to deal damage as a passenger, or just simply disabling tab.
  22. Happy Birthday
  23. @Marwyn said in Another cracking simulator: website is down are there any other alternatives ? https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/84338-nanos-cracking-simulator/
  24. With the new level cap introduced, it would also make sense if the leader is able to change which level can access gangsay since as of now any level 4 can use it. For example, this can be problematic if the gang leader set the max level to 8, it would most likely mean that, level 6 are HQ and level 4 are regular/respected members who shouldn't have access to gangsay.
  25. not gonna lie those pants look kinda ass I wouldn't mind if they changed the trainee skin but not to this one
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