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Everything posted by Wisker00

  1. Roleplay Number: #2 story: Yesterday day we got called by drug dealer called 'Wisker' asking us for new muscle car because there is no doubt Exotic cars N1 who making Ht1 offers and best quality of sports and muscle car we decide to meet on sunday because most of cops have day off or weeked near lv x,after couple of hours i met my partner 'Wisker' and we started debating about new cars and price in the shop,he asked me about a car with spolier,hydraulics,engine upgarde v8 elite,drive type,nitro 10x and dollar wheels,i informa i informed that all accessories he wants i've he was shocked because there is no gang or group giving that model of cars,we agreed about 250.000$ for one,i started checking the money while he trying it too,after that i got my self back to base with me money. Scenario: ::: ::: Participants: [CDL]RaZaK[CP]_ [AP*]Wisker @Wisker00
  2. Address: Ls Docks Modshop Account name: racetech Last seen: 22nd August 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. ~[1- Personal Part :]~(purple) Nickname: Wisker Username: Wiskerrazak Age: 20 Nationality: Algerian Rate Your English Level (1-10):(8/10) ~[* 2- Saes Information Part :]~(purple) Since when do you play SAES:RPG: Since 3 Years Current Gang/Squad ~[ICE:]~(blue,blue,blue)Left(bcz it's in active Squad) ~[NSA:]~(blue)Dead ~[NCI:]~(blue)Dead Current Groups: N/A Tell us about your SAES carrier: I start playing SAES in 2016 ~[* 3 -Group Question:]~(purple) What do you know about Fight Club: Fight Clup is a group for Box,and he has a Best player Which division do you prefer , and why?: Box,bcz I like it Why do you want to join Fight Club I love the Box,the Box is strong peopie and best. Why should we accept you: I'm Loyal,and i will help with my All,and I'm active in game and in Media Archive
  4. In-game name: Wisker Account name: Wiskerrazak Age: 20 Country: Algeria What languages do you speak: English,Arabic,French Rate your English proficiency (0-10): English(8/10) , Rate your roleplaying skills (0-10):(7/10) Describe our role with your own words: Theft cars, trucks,or motorbikes from San Andreas [Secret or Strong Plunder],taking them to our garage,modifying and selling them. Why do you want to join Auto Plunder: i can show my self and also this group can teach me andtrain me, Why should we accept you: I'm Loyal and i will help with my all,and I'm active in game and in Media Archive Tell us a bit about yourself: used to be called Abdarazak in real life , I'm 20 years old I'm an easy going person that having fun with everyone I enjoyed being around different types of people ,and I like to always challenge my self to improve at everything I do , I grew up in Algeria and still studying I dreaming of being a Football and player VideoGames , in my personal activities such as playing video games and swimming , I would like to be more of an extrovert due to i'm a little quiet and a little closer to the side introvert side , I would like to change this because I'd like to appear more friendly I believe that I'm very organized person I like to know exactly what I'm going to do for the day and week, So I outline my tasks and organize my work load by doing so,anyway I have been out of playing for a long period ,but I have only been looking for a decently group where I can feel comfortable, And i'm trying challenge myself with new side which is AP side,finally I would like to inform you that If you got some doubting about me feel free to contact me at discord and let's solve them.
  5. Address: 18 Tiananmen Square Account name: bluelive122 Last seen: 23rd November 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Address: Trailer Where Brophy Hides Account name: bluelive122 Last seen: 23rd November 2019. Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Address: Fat Willies Snack Shop Account name: razak20 Last seen: 22nd September 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Good Luck SweeTs
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