PART I: Introduction Ingame name: Stou login name: naderEA Age: 19 How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: 3 years In 2-3 lines, tell us about yourself: im nader from tunisia , gym rat , i work as a delivery man , phonk and hip hop listner , getting stoned every day with my dog rengar PART II: Background Check Do you speak English: yes Tell us how good/bad you are at RP* (SAI might be able to teach you things.): m the RP manager of GT , but maybe i'll learn more things from u Rate your radio usage skills and abilities: didnt talk in radio before Primary language: arabic Other languages you speak: english , french Current groups: ALT BRINKS Rtech Previous groups: - PART III: Radio Check (California Penal Codes are mostly used in San Andreas.) __ Have you read our radio codes topic? (This topic can also be found in SAPA.): yes Explain what a 211 is: a store robbery *What does it mean if it's a code 3: the emergency vehicles respond to the call with a light and siren on Which 10 code is used when you're going on duty and you're announcing that you're available for duty? 10 and 8 . __ PART IV: Role-Play Character __ First name: Jhin Surname: montana Age: 23 Sex: Male Place of Birth: parodiso , san fierro Date of Birth: 03/07/1999 *Country of residence: United States of America Address: parodiso , san fierro Convictions: your heart made to flow the blood , stop using it for feelings you filthy ass Tattoos: spartan head on side neck , japanese dragon on the right hand , the '' trust none'' tattoo on back shoulder Do you own a driving license, and for how long: I obtained my valid driver's license 5 years ago. Full backstory: My name is jhin montana i was born in san fierro on 1999 , my mother was a teacher in primary school , and my father was a buisness man , he never treat us good , he was always strict and he show no love and no care , my parents were so toxic ,they never stop fighting . meanwhile i was alone , no friends , none to talk to , until i found my first love in my 16 years old , it was 2 years relationship where it ended badly and at the same time my parents devorsed , at this time i got mental health breakdown , so i decided to change my life and leave to another country where i decided to be a cop