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Everything posted by Skes

  1. Date: 22/03/2024 Activity: Securing VIP Participants: @Skes @Phrost @white Screenshots:
  2. Date: 22/03/2024 Activity: Securing VIP Participants: @Skes @Phrost @lazar_ Activity: Stopping LV BR 5/8 Participants: @Skes @Phrost @Pacioli Activity: Stopping ls pbr Participants: @Skes @Phrost @Pacioli Screenshots:
  3. Date: 22/03/2024 Activity: Patrol Participants: @Skes @Phrost @white @lazar_ Screenshots:
  4. Date: 22/03/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Skes @Phrost @white Screenshots:
  5. Team Name : X-MAFYA Amount : $5,000,000 Team Name : W-MAFYA Amount : $5,000,000
  6. إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون
  7. Address : My Little Shack Account name : thechevalo Last seen : 19th January 2024 ScreenShot:
  8. i just found this small propety and i decided to request it. -1183.7255859375,-1128.4163818359,129.21875
  9. Date: 11/02/2024 Activity: Stopping Bayside BR by CDC (7/8) Participants: @Skes @Sou @PsyGhost @Dinaz @Winter-Soldier @aws @Strong Screenshots:
  10. Date: 08/02/2024 Activity: Stopping Wh br 4/8 Participants: @Skes @aws @niceez @Liberty420 @PsyGhost Screenshots:
  11. Date: 06/02/2024 Activity: Securting VIP Participants: @Skes @aws @Enemy44 Screenshots:
  12. Date: 06/02/2024 Activity: Stopping LS pBR Participants: @Skes @N2OStriker @General @aws @LightSide @Liberty420 Screenshots:
  13. Date: 06/02/2024 Activity: Stopping TR BR Participants: @Skes @aws @BOB @SKY-911- @N2OStriker @General @LightSide Screenshots:
  14. Date: 05/02/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Skes @Asgal @SILIKONDY Screenshots:
  15. Date: 05/02/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Skes @Liberty420 @Candy Screenshots:
  16. Date: 04/02/2024 Activity: Stopping Cripz BR Bayside 0/8 Participants: @Skes @Sou @Scooty @Liberty420 @SKY-911- @LightSide Screenshots:
  17. Date: 03/02/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Skes @aws @Scooty Screenshots:
  18. Date: 02/02/2024 Activity: Stopping TR PBR Participants: @Skes @aws @Dinaz @Winter-Soldier @Strong @LightSide Screenshots:
  19. Date: 02/02/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Skes @aws @LightSide Screenshots:
  20. Date: 30/01/2024 Participants: @aws Type of activity: Money Transport Description: Money Transport from banks to federal mint. Screenshots:
  21. Date: 29/01/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Skes @denox @N2OStriker Screenshots:
  22. Date: 28/01/2024 Participants: Type of activity: Money Transport Description: Money Transport from banks to federal mint. Screenshots:
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