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Everything posted by Skes

  1. Address: Accomodation Quartes 6 Account name: hiredkiller Last seen: 28th July 2020 Screenshots:^[]
  2. Prop information: daily income 12k - in LS near old FBI base Starting Bid : 1M and 500k ^[] ^[]
  3. Prop information: 12k income Starting Bid : 5M ^[] ^[] ^[]
  4. Address: Really Huge Window Corp Account name: lonix Last seen: 9th July Screenshots: https://imgur.com/GbjB4Ds
  5. https://imgur.com/SB5vrBw
  6. https://imgur.com/a/AfBZc71
  7. spawn in the prop you will find 2 public cars use one of them and go to bank in 5 sec https://imgur.com/Vi29vwu
  8. Address: Appartment Block 129 Account name: gadar Last seen: 17th june Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GiD4uyW
  9. ~[Starting bid]~(red)~[:]~(magenta) 2M ~[daily income:]~(red,red) 8k near 2 public cars
  10. Address: Office Block 5 Buisness Account name: creptiz Last seen: 20th june 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/sfWPCFE
  11. Address: Flint Country Inn V Account name: clesto Last seen: 30th may Screenshots: https://imgur.com/h0t5tMI
  12. Address: Flint Country V Account name: clesto Last seen: 30th may Screenshots: : https://imgur.com/v0zidS3
  13. Address: Flint Country Inn Buisness Account name: lollie519 Last seen: 30th may Screenshots: https://imgur.com/oBc9CCR
  14. Adress : Flint country Inn X Acount name: raymondcardiac Last seen : 15th april 2020 screenshot :https://imgur.com/7P9nHqo
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