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Posts posted by Skes

  1. Dear @Nicoo Thank you for your application. Our team had some days to vote and give there opinion about you . Im happy to tell you that you are ~[Accepted]~(lime)
    Dear @kodigo Thank you for your application. Our team had some days to vote and give there opinion about you . Im happy to tell you that you are ~[Accepted]~(lime)

    RooftopKorean HQ.

  2. alt text
    ~[Application Format]~
    In-game name: sKeS
    Account name: amroun
    Nationality: Tunisian
    Current gang: The Company
    Current groups: Rooftop koreans-World Farming Supply
    How long have you been playing in SAES?: since 2018
    How active are you in SAES?: i play 2 Hours per day
    Why do you wish to join the Chaos Society?: i saw a lot of players apply for this group so i checked its topic . i liked the group role play also i remarked that this group is a very active one so i hoped to get accepted and im willing to do my best in it.

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