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Everything posted by ButcheR

  1. ~[Evening Activity:]~(#998855)
  2. Address:8 government housing estate Account name:marwa01 Last seen:23th July 2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/3SBXMEa
  3. ~[E]~(#998855)vent #27: chicken shooter ~[P]~(#998855)rize: 1.000.000$ ~[L]~(#998855)WS/G6: @Petrow ~[W]~(#998855)inner(s): 215|Lazar ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: Click Here
  4. ~[Evening Activity:]~(#998855)
  5. Address:appartement block129 Account name:edenlight Last seen:12th June 2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/X90hrW7#afQLGfa
  6. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#13:Jailbreak ~[D]~(#998855)ate:23/8/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
  7. ~[Evening Activity:]~(#998855)
  8. ~[Evening Activity:]~(#998855)
  9. ~[Morning Activity:]~(#998855)
  10. ~[Night Activity:]~(#998855)
  11. ~[R]~(#998855)oleplay#16: Air Operation ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 18/08/2019 ~[R]~(#998855)oleplay Story: In the recent days, we decided to carry an amount of drugs from one city to another by air, we tried to talk to a pilot But he did not agree to this because he wont risk himself and may be subjected to life imprisonment. So we was obliged to give him a huge sum of money and we gave him some time to think about the tempting offer. After one day , he refused for this reason we showed him the evil face of YakuzA, we threatened him to kill his whole family even his children. The pilot agreed to transfer the large quantity of drugs from San Fierro airport to Las Venturs airport . When he arrived, he found the airport full of police he was so nervous. The policeman began searching the bags, when the pilot bag arrived He was so scared that the officer would suddenly recognize him but luckily he didint pay attention to drugs which were hidden in the bag. After a long time , the pilot sneaked out of the airport and went to the meeting location in LV- V Rock hotel where we was waiting him to take our goods. Everything passed normally , we thanked that pilot, released his family and we drove back to our base. ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: Screens Here
  12. ~[E]~(#998855)vent #24: Find TheButcher ~[P]~(#998855)rize: 2.000.000$ ~[L]~(#998855)WS/G6: Karim ~[W]~(#998855)inner(s): ghoop ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: Click Here
  13. ~[R]~(#998855)oleplay#13: Our Revenge ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 16/08/2019 ~[R]~(#998855)oleplay Story: One day , the most Yakuza loyal member named as " YakuzA>thebutcher" got arrested for smuggling drugs, He got arrested by some agents called "Agent.X53 and @skann " of Las Venturas police department, After one day of getting arrest those officers brought his dead body at "YakuzA>thebutcher "'s death place and told that when he reached at the Jail he got heart attack which cause his death, Everyone was so sad. "Yakuza>Disaster" went near his body and observer that his shirt upper button was open which was showing his body, When "Yakuza>Disaster" tried to check his body , he seen a whole of bullet at his heart, still didn't told anyone about that shit, then he just let those information only for Yakuza members named "Yakuza>Rizoro and Yakuza>Lazar" and told him everything, Yakuza's leader was not there at movement. "Yakuza>Disaster" called his spy who was spying on LVPD and told him to find what happened with his partner as "YakuzA>thebutcher" was his best friend, so "Yakuza>Disaster" was anxietly waiting for his spy answer, he's Spy brought some documents to him which were Top Secret, he paid him an extra amount of money and then he start checking those files and sadly he got it , seen a photo which "YakuzA>thebutcher' got killed by an Agent of Las Venturas police department known as "Agent.X53", Disaster called his detective and gave him task to find when and where this "Agent.X53" can be found ? After few hours his Detective replied that 17:30 AM you will be able to find him at his House located in Las Venturas, After a long of waiting and has anxiety attack , We reach the 16:30 AM, Yakuzas regoruped themselfs to reach agent's house and went to the nearest roof top to get the best position , "Yakuza>Disaster" placed his Sniper to hunt that shity agent and take "YakuzA>thebutcher"'s death as a revenge. After 1 hours when "Agent.X53" parked his car and was heading towards the door, finaly they achieved the ambush revenge ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: Screens Here
  14. ~[E]~(#998855)vent #23: Land on my bus ~[P]~(#998855)rize: 1.000.000$ ~[L]~(#998855)WS/G6: Alex ~[W]~(#998855)inner(s): Skinner ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: Click Here
  15. ~[Night Activity:]~(#998855)
  16. ~[E]~(#998855)vent #22: knock me off my nrg ~[P]~(#998855)rize: 1.000.000$(2 rounds 500k each ) ~[L]~(#998855)WS/G6: Alex ~[W]~(#998855)inner(s): Wolf1 and hope ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: Click Here
  17. business in lv near sr,lv bank and tst base Starting Bid :3m
  18. ~[Morning Activity:]~(#998855)
  19. Address: 11 s&m road Account name: reddust1 Last seen: 3 july 2019 screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VcgOCL6
  20. ~[E]~(#998855)vent #20: Para Marathon ~[P]~(#998855)rize: 1.000.000$ ~[L]~(#998855)WS/G6: Karim ~[W]~(#998855)inner(s): rzz0 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: Click Here
  21. ~[Evening Activity:]~(#998855)
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