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Everything posted by ButcheR

  1. Ingame name: 203|ButcheR Username: gadar Country of Residence and Nationality: I'm tunisian ,living exactly in Hammamet. Spoken Languages: Arabic/English and French Age: 17 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: I have been playing SAES since 2019. Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: -Yakuza:Dead -CDC:I Left Because its inactive Gang. -X:i left it because i felt uncomfortable there and i didin't like the promotion system of it Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Hello I used to be called Sadok in real life , I'm 17 years old I'm an easy going person,funny and i respect everyone. I enjoy talking and being around with different types of people ,and I like to always challenge my self to improve my performances and skills , I grew up in Tunisia and still studying. My dream was always being a famous football player , in my free time,i practice many activities such as playing video games,playing football and swimming .I'm so friendly and I believe that I'm a very organized person, So I outline my tasks in time and the result is most of times positive.
  2. Address: mechanical parts store Account name: dovahkiin23 Last seen:1th November 2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/nEn3R5r
  3. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#79: jailBreak ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 31/10/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
  4. ~[Evening Activity:]~(#998855)
  5. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#78: Helping during BR ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 30/10/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: Click_Here
  6. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#77: Store Robberies & VIP ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 30/10/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
  7. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#75: Helping during BR ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 28/10/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: Click_Here
  8. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#74: jailbreak ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 28/10/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: Click_Here
  9. ~[Mid Day Activity:]~(#998855)
  10. ~[E]~(#998855)vent#53: race ~[P]~(#998855)rize: 1.000.000$ ~[L]~(#998855)WS/G6: filex ~[W]~(#998855)inner(s): tema ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
  11. ~[E]~(#998855)vent#52: race ~[P]~(#998855)rize: 1.000.000$ ~[L]~(#998855)WS/G6: filex ~[W]~(#998855)inner(s): chasin ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
  12. ~[Mid Day Activity:]~(#998855)
  13. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#72: Store Robberies and VIP ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 13/10/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
  14. ~[Evening Activity:]~(#998855)
  15. ~[Night activity :]~(#998855)
  16. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#71: PBR ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 06/10/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
  17. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#70: Store Robberies ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 06/10/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
  18. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#67: Store Robberies and VIP ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 05/10/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
  19. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#66: Helping during BR ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 05/10/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
  20. ~[Mid Day Activity:]~(#998855)
  21. ~[E]~(#998855)vent#48: fallout ~[P]~(#998855)rize: 1.000.000$ ~[L]~(#998855)WS/G6: brondy ~[W]~(#998855)inner(s): lazar ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: :::
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