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Everything posted by Fedrick

  1. Address: Angle Pine Cabinyard 2 Account name: herucs16 Last seen: 30th May 2019 Screenshots ::: :::
  2. Address: Camels Hideout Shack Account name: weedman655 Last seen: 4th March 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Good Luck bruh :two_hearts:
  4. Happy birthday @Patrol
  5. Name: Fedrick Username: frozenpolar Age: 17 Nationality: Malaysian English proficiency: I'm weak in English but I can try again to improve my English language [7.5/10] Playtime on the server: 500+ hours Server Groups: 8th Street Current organization (g/s/c): Vndolas Da El Carona Do you own a kart?: N/A Why do you want to join us?: because I want to add a little bit of my knowledge to this organization and do a lot of experiments Why should we accept you?: Well I am active on this server so this organization needs people like me because I will do more experiments for this organization and do it better
  6. Activity: Activity number: #2 Activity type: hang out at a park near Los Santos and go to Las Venturas for pizza 8TS Members: Me, @Helena and @RUZO ::: :::
  7. Ingame name: Fedrick Username: frozenpolar Nationality: Malaysian Spoken languages: Bahasa Melayu, English How long have you been playing SAES: I have been playing this server since 2015. Then I have been inactive for 2 years due to computer problems. and then I went back for a few months with this new account because I forgot my username and password. So far I know a little about RP and I'm active in discord. Current organization: Vndolas De El Carona Current groups: N/A Tell us more about yourself: I'm Mohd Al Syurki I live in Malaysia I really enjoy playing video games like PUBG, Fortnite and many other video games I play but for me MTA san andreas is more interesting and really good Explain our role in few words: So far 8th Street is renting bicycles for people in emergency and cycling around SA, host event for BMX and Mountain Bike illegal street race and competition with lot of prizes.
  8. Address: Exotic Boutique Store Account name: shy Last seen: 8th May 2019 Screenshots ::: :::
  9. Address: 8 Government Housing Estate Account name: marwa01 Last seen: 23rd July 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Fedrick


    @JohnnyEnglish Thanks bruh now it's worked : )
  11. Fedrick


    ::: :::
  12. Fedrick


    ::: :::
  13. Fedrick


    ::: ![spoiler] https://images.app.goo.gl/rfLExZLLo2yyP6BL6 :::
  14. Fedrick


    ![spoiler] https://images.app.goo.gl/rfLExZLLo2yyP6BL6
  15. Fedrick


    ::: :::
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