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Everything posted by Greed

  1. Men really enough stfu pls
  2. it is good but i think need more decorations and +1
  3. Activity #1 Activity Type: Hang Cuban Cars Members: DJO Other Participants: N/A Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Starting bid: 1M ::: :::
  5. ~[Hello guys Welcome, in this topic you will find my cuban cars activities.]~(sienna) I will use these formats. Activity # Activity Type: Cuban Cars Members: Other Participants: Screenshots: Roleplay # Roleplay story: Participants: ScreenShots: Event # Event Type: LWS/G6 Prize: Winner: Screenshots: Total Post: 5 Activities 5 Roleplays: Events:
  6. @MrDeathBoy it is not my think and crims are can use before turf
  7. Starting bid:1m Have Carspawn Have a big place In turf zone ::: :::
  8. Happy birhtday AA :P
  9. happy birhtday menn when come antalya?
  10. Address: Teepee Motel Business Account name: ivanrk Last seen: 27 January 2020 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/TQmWnWR.png
  11. Never wear TT tag
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