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Everything posted by hassan

  1. @dunkmaster said in SASP - San Andreas Special Police: 1- your In game name:baligh 2- your real name:baligh 3- how old are you:15 4- what is DM:killing other without a reason 5- tell us 2 BR rules: stay together 6- tell us 2 SR rules:stay inside store 7- gender:male 8- where you live:tunisia 9- languages spoken:arabic english 10- your strengths: pro in car and plane and gun and bike 11- your weakness:no thing 12- why you want to join us: to improve my skills 13- why we should accept you: because i can help the team a lot 14- what is RP: doing job like in real-life 15- what do you do if you saw a criminal with 9 stars and he is not shooting at you: RP with him 16- what do you do if you saw a cop with 2 stars: offer bribe him 17- what to do if you are chasing a criminal with 9 stars or lower and he dont want to RP: give him alet to pull over if he didnt i start chase him YOU ACCEPTED BUT MAKE APPLY IN DEA
  2. Nickname:HASSAN Loginname:HASSAN Age:13 Gender:MALE Nationality:EGYPT Languages Spoken:ENGLISH AND ARABIC Please rate your english skills (1/10):9 Tell us about yourself in a lin: i am hassan and i like drive car and i go to school every day and i am pro and i age 14 years and i life in egypt and i have one brother AND I LIKE MY FRIAND AND I HELP PEOPEL AND I AM HAPPY BEC I MAKED APPLY HERE II - GAME INFORMATION How long have you been playing MTA:5YEARS How long have you been playing SAES:4 YEASR How much do you in-game hours:300 How much hours can you play per day:10 Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies:I JOINED SAPA AND DEA AND ICE AND FBI Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason):NO III - RULES AND MISC What is Roleplay:Roleplay means acting someone role in-game it's be like real life, players act their role in their characters and do their jobs and follow their rules if player violate his rp role then he will be out of his character. What is Marker arrest: What is DeathMatching:killing someone without any reason deathmatch and i dont make dm Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules:YES 1 dont dm and dont aressted any one 9stars and dont aressted any one in lvx and dont aressted any one in disk Did you read QRF Squad Rules:YES Do not break the server rules F1 AND Try to do Roleplay before arrest them, if they refuse your binds, then you can arrest him AND..... WROT DOWN Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6:Try to do Roleplay before arrest them, if they refuse your binds, then you can arrest him! Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3: Do not attempt to arrest players if they got under 5 stars. Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4:Use your binds while chasing a criminal. But NEVER SPAM! Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7Stay Professional! You're gonna improve yourself here by ProCops.
  3. Nickname:HASSAN Loginname:HASSAN Age:13 Gender:MALE Nationality:EGYPT Languages Spoken:ENGLISH AND ARABIC Please rate your english skills (1/10):9 Tell us about yourself in a lin: i am hassan and i like drive car and i go to school every day and i am pro and i age 14 years and i life in egypt and i have one brother II - GAME INFORMATION How long have you been playing MTA:5YEARS How long have you been playing SAES:4 YEASR How much do you in-game hours:300 How much hours can you play per day:10 Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies:I JOINED SAPA AND DEA AND ICE AND FBI Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason):NO III - RULES AND MISC What is Roleplay:Roleplay means acting someone role in-game it's be like real life, players act their role in their characters and do their jobs and follow their rules if player violate his rp role then he will be out of his character. What is Marker arrest: What is DeathMatching:killing someone without any reason deathmatch and i dont make dm Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules:YES Did you read QRF Squad Rules:YES Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6:Try to do Roleplay before arrest them, if they refuse your binds, then you can arrest him! Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3: Do not attempt to arrest players if they got under 5 stars. Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4:Use your binds while chasing a criminal. But NEVER SPAM! Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7Stay Professional! You're gonna improve yourself here by ProCops.
  4. @hassan-mohamed said in DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration: @hassan-mohamed @hassan-mohamed said in DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration: Your real name:hassan Your username:hassan Your In-Game name:hassan Age:14 Nationality:egypt Do you have ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why:no bec i out Why do you wish to join the DEA?:because it's strong squad and respected squad and it's really pro abd i love DEA and this DEA onlin members Because the FBI team has always been interesting to me, as I've seen in American movies, so I've always loved the role of the FBI, and I understand what I want to be part of Why should we accept you?:because i'm loyal and mature and i'm pro in car and plan and shoot and all gun I think my police skills are very good because I played as police for a long time and I can say that I am very productive in RP.I actually think that my style of investigation and team play is suitable for you Tell us about yourself: i am hassan and i like drive car and i go to school every day and i am pro and i age 14 years and i life in egypt and i have one brother STAGE II. In-Game test What is DM? (10 words and more):killing someone without any reason deathmatch and i dont make dm What is Park-Killing? (10 words and more): What is RolePlay? (10 words and more):Roleplay means acting someone role in-game it's be like real life, players act their role in their characters and do their jobs and follow their rules if player violate his rp role then he will be out of his character. Are you allowed to DM?:no Are you allowed to Park-Killing?:idk Tell us 3 server rules (F1):dont make dm and dont aressted any one in lvx and dont aressted any one 9 stare STAGE III. Skills Rate your English skills (1-10):9 Rate your Flying skills (1-10):9 Rate your Roleplay skills (1-10):10 Rate your Driving skills (1-10):9 Rate your Shooting skills (1-10):9 What is your weaknesses:i bad in biks What is your strengths: i'm good at driving planes and helicopters and i'm active and i'm good at shooting and sniping and i'm so good at RP and goood at driving boat an i good in all gun Have ever been banned before (or you have banned, please specify why):no Previous G/S/C?:i joined sapa and ice How long you play MTA?:5years 26: How long you play SAES?:4years STAGE IV. Rules 27: Explain squad rule 3 (your own words):Do not arrest under 5 stars! 28: Explain squad rule 5 (your own words):on't arrest and shoot any police members for no reason. 29: Explain squad rule 8 (your own words):RP should be used for the first time before the arrest. If the person does not stop THIRD warning, then shoot him and arrest him without RP.
  5. @hassan-mohamed @hassan-mohamed said in DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration: Your real name:hassan Your username:hassan Your In-Game name:hassan Age:14 Nationality:egypt Do you have ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why:no bec i out Why do you wish to join the DEA?:because it's strong squad and respected squad and it's really pro abd i love DEA and this DEA onlin members Why should we accept you?:because i'm loyal and mature and i'm pro in car and plan and shoot and all gun Tell us about yourself: i am hassan and i like drive car and i go to school every day and i am pro and i age 14 years and i life in egypt and i have one brother STAGE II. In-Game test What is DM? (10 words and more):killing someone without any reason deathmatch and i dont make dm What is Park-Killing? (10 words and more): What is RolePlay? (10 words and more):Roleplay means acting someone role in-game it's be like real life, players act their role in their characters and do their jobs and follow their rules if player violate his rp role then he will be out of his character. Are you allowed to DM?:no Are you allowed to Park-Killing?:idk Tell us 3 server rules (F1):dont make dm and dont aressted any one in lvx and dont aressted any one 9 stare STAGE III. Skills Rate your English skills (1-10):9 Rate your Flying skills (1-10):9 Rate your Roleplay skills (1-10):10 Rate your Driving skills (1-10):9 Rate your Shooting skills (1-10):9 What is your weaknesses:i bad in biks What is your strengths: i'm good at driving planes and helicopters and i'm active and i'm good at shooting and sniping and i'm so good at RP and goood at driving boat Have ever been banned before (or you have banned, please specify why):no Previous G/S/C?:i joined sapa and ice How long you play MTA?:5years 26: How long you play SAES?:4years STAGE IV. Rules 27: Explain squad rule 3 (your own words):Do not arrest under 5 stars! 28: Explain squad rule 5 (your own words):on't arrest and shoot any police members for no reason. 29: Explain squad rule 8 (your own words):RP should be used for the first time before the arrest. If the person does not stop THIRD warning, then shoot him and arrest him without RP.
  6. Your real name:hassan Your username:hassan Your In-Game name:hassan Age:14 Nationality:egypt Do you have ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why:no Why do you wish to join the DEA?:because it's strong squad and respected squad and it's really pro Why should we accept you?:because i'm loyal and mature and i'm pro Tell us about yourself: i am hassan and i like drive car and i go to school every day and i am pro and i age 14 years and i life in egypt STAGE II. In-Game test What is DM? (10 words and more):killing someone without any reason deathmatch and i dont make dm What is Park-Killing? (10 words and more): What is RolePlay? (10 words and more):Roleplay means acting someone role in-game it's be like real life, players act their role in their characters and do their jobs and follow their rules if player violate his rp role then he will be out of his character. Are you allowed to DM?:no Are you allowed to Park-Killing?:idk Tell us 3 server rules (F1):dont make dm and dont aressted any one in lvx and dont aressted any one 9 stare STAGE III. Skills Rate your English skills (1-10):9 Rate your Flying skills (1-10):9 Rate your Roleplay skills (1-10):10 Rate your Driving skills (1-10):9 Rate your Shooting skills (1-10):9 What is your weaknesses:i bad in biks What is your strengths: i'm good at driving planes and helicopters and i'm active and i'm good at shooting and sniping and i'm so good at RP and goood at driving boat Have ever been banned before (or you have banned, please specify why):no Previous G/S/C?:i joined sapa and ice How long you play MTA?:5years 26: How long you play SAES?:4years STAGE IV. Rules 27: Explain squad rule 3 (your own words):Do not arrest under 5 stars! 28: Explain squad rule 5 (your own words):on't arrest and shoot any police members for no reason. 29: Explain squad rule 8 (your own words):RP should be used for the first time before the arrest. If the person does not stop THIRD warning, then shoot him and arrest him without RP.
  7. 4 days ago In-game name:hassan Account name:hassantt Real name:hassan Title(Mr/Mrs):mr Date of birth:4/4/2004 Origin country:EGYPT Country in residence:EGYPTION Timezone:GMT+3 Spoken languages:english and arabic English proficiency on a scale of (1-10):9 Do you have TeamSpeak 3/Discord/Whatsapp installed?:whatsapp Section II: SAES Experiences How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?:2 year Previous organization(s):i joined sapa and iceand FPI Why did you leave or why were you kicked? Briefly explain:SAPA : i left because they dont respect me / ICE : Have you ever been punished by staff(s)? If yes, briefly explain:NO Do you have Professional Officer Certificate?:NO If you had it before, how did you lose it? Briefly explain:I cannot lose because i didnt got any one of yet Are you a part of any group in SAES? If yes, state your position within the group:YES I AM IN group IC Section III: Theoretical Knowledge Write a summary of your qualification(s): im good at driving planes and helicopters and im active and im good at shooting and sniping and im so good at RP and goood at driving boat What is your greatest weakness?:I AM BAD IN BIKES Why do you want to be part of the NNB?: because its strong squad and respected squad and its really pro Why would we choose you rather than the other applicant(s)? In my life i didnt comparison myself with anyone who is more popular AND I AM because im loyal and mature and im pro What is the role of NNB in SAES? Briefly explain:The role of NNB is stop every drug dealer and Drug gangs in San Andreas.Stopping the Narcotic Chaos middle of San Andreas. How would you describe roleplaying? Briefly explain: acting like real life What does Team Spirit mean to you? Briefly explain:Briefly explain:have to team up with each other to help each other. If someone kills you for no reason, what would be your first reaction? Briefly explain:i take SS and i make reportreport and send my report to the admin How would you describe marker arrest?:When you arrest someone when they are in a marker and persecution,shock, imprisonment. How do you describe yourself to people? Briefly explain::My name is hassan mohamed I born in EGYPT 2004.I like to play footbal and basketball.Im patient and honestly person.
  8. Name:hassan Nickname:hassan Age:14 Gender:male Nationality:EGYPT Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum):I AM HASSAN AND I AGE 14 YEARS and i like drive car and i like this squade andi live in EGYPT and i do to school and i like school and i like aressted criminal and i like food and i have one brother and where I'll become mechanic in the future. And If it goes everything planned, then one day I'll have my own mechanical workshop. and i love STF. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? 4YEARS Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why?NO Please list your previous squad/gang/company history:I JOINED SASP AND ICE AND FPI BUT I OUT Please list your current group memberships on the server:I JOINED GROUP IC What are your strengths? i'm good at driving planes and helicopters and i'm active and i'm good at shooting and sniping and i'm so good at RP and goood at driving boat and I'm guy who knows what's loyalty, respect, maturity. What are your weaknesses?i bad drive bike Do you have discord & TS3?i have discord onliy What's your average ping:80 Do you have access to the PC spawns?yes How many hours do you have in-game?300 How often do you visit the forums?every day Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10):9 Arresting (out of 10):8 English (out of 10):8 Driving (out of 10):9 Combat (out of 10):8 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF?because it's strong squad and respected squad and it's really pro and activty and because I'm interested in new squad to join and try myself in helping new organisation get high level Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who?no one Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws?yes In your own words, define roleplay:Roleplay means acting real life situations in the game In your own words, define DM:Deathmatch means killing players or destroying their vehicles without any reason. In your own words, define teamwork:Teamwork means skill in playing and cooperating with your organisation to get more effective result. 0
  9. Name:hassan Nickname:hassan Age:14 Gender:male Nationality:EGYPT Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum):I AM HASSAN AND I AGE 14 YEARS and i like drive car and i like this squade andi live in EGYPT and i do to school and i like school and i like aressted criminal and i like food and i have one brother and where I'll become mechanic in the future. And If it goes everything planned, then one day I'll have my own mechanical workshop. and i love STF. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? 4YEARS Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why?NO Please list your previous squad/gang/company history:I JOINED SASP AND ICE AND FPI BUT I OUT Please list your current group memberships on the server:I JOINED GROUP IC What are your strengths? i'm good at driving planes and helicopters and i'm active and i'm good at shooting and sniping and i'm so good at RP and goood at driving boat and I'm guy who knows what's loyalty, respect, maturity. What are your weaknesses?i bad drive bike Do you have discord & TS3?i have discord onliy What's your average ping:80 Do you have access to the PC spawns?yes How many hours do you have in-game?300 How often do you visit the forums?every day Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10):9 Arresting (out of 10):8 English (out of 10):8 Driving (out of 10):9 Combat (out of 10):8 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF?because it's strong squad and respected squad and it's really pro and activty and because I'm interested in new squad to join and try myself in helping new organisation get high level Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who?no one Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws?yes In your own words, define roleplay:Roleplay means acting real life situations in the game In your own words, define DM:Deathmatch means killing players or destroying their vehicles without any reason. In your own words, define teamwork:Teamwork means skill in playing and cooperating with your organisation to get more effective result.
  10. @mateman123 said in SASP - San Andreas Special Police: 1- your In game name:mateman 2- your real name:mate 3- how old are you:15 4- what is DM:killing for no reason 5- tell us 2 BR rules:stay together 6- tell us 2 SR rules:stay in store 7- gender:male 8- where you live:croatia 9- languages spoken:english german croatian bosnian serbian 10- your strengths:flying helicopters driving cars and bikes and shooting 11- your weakness:i am sometimes too strict 12- why you want to join us:i want to help and fight for justice 13- why we should accept you:you always need a man like me 14- what is RP:role playing 15- what do you do if you saw a criminal with 9 stars and he is not shooting at you:arrest him with no violence or bribe him 16- what do you do if you saw a cop with 2 stars:bribe him 17- what to do if you are chasing a criminal with 9 stars or lower and he don't want to RP tase him and jail him and contact the admins your ACCEPTED
  11. @mateman123 said in SASP - San Andreas Special Police: 1- your In game name:mateman 2- your real name:mate 3- how old are you:15 4- what is DM:killing for no reason 5- tell us 2 BR rules:stay together 6- tell us 2 SR rules:stay in store 7- gender:male 8- where you live:croatia 9- languages spoken:english german croatian bosnian serbian 10- your strengths:flying and using my head 11- your weakness:i am sometimes too strict 12- why you want to join us:i want to help and fight for justice 13- why we should accept you:you always need a man like me 14- what is RP:role playing 15- what do you do if you saw a criminal with 9 stars and he is not shooting at you:arrest him with no violence or bribe him 16- what do you do if you saw a cop with 2 stars:bribe him 17- what to do if you are chasing a criminal with 9 stars or lower and he don't want to RP tase him and jail him and contact the admins you ACCEPTED
  12. Real Name: hassan In-game Name: hassan Account: hassantt Age: 13 Primary Language: arabic Other Languages: english II - GAME INFORMATION How long have you being playing MTA? 3 years How long have you being playing SAES? 6 months Are you PC (ProCop)? no Past squad/gang/companies (State if you left or were kicked and why): SAPA : i left because they don't respect me / ICE : Current and past groups (State the reason if left or kicked): N/A What is RP? (Explain using 15 words or more): acting like real life like when a cop pull over a car in real life you do the same in the server What is DM? (Explain using 15 words or more): killing someone without any reason like you was walking at LVX then you saw someone at LVX and you shoot at him without any reason What is Park-Killing? (Explain using 15 words or more): killing someone with your car without any reason like ramming someone multiply times for no reason III - RULES KNOWLEDGE Did you read and agree with all F1 rules? yes Did you read and agree with all SAFP rules? yes What is the minimum wanted level for arrest? 5 stars Are you allowed to arrest or kill other police officers? no Are you allowed to arrest/kill in hospitals? i'm allowed to arrest at hospital if the criminal stay at the hospital more then 10 seconds Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events? no Is marker-arresting allowed? no Explain SAFPs rule 3: before you arrest anyone RP with him so don't arrest ANYONE WITHOUT RP Explain SAFPs rule 4: don't arrest who have under 5 stars this is not allowed Explain SAFPs rule 8: ALT members are our allies don't arrest them or kill them at all IV - MISC. INFORMATION Your strengths: im good at driving planes and helicopters and im active and im good at shooting and sniping and im so good at RP and goood at driving boat Your weaknesses: driving bikes Have you received any bans from the server? If yes, why? no Why did you decide to join our squad? (Use 15 words or more): because its strong squad and respected squad and its really pro Explain why we should accept you (Use 15 words or more): because im loyal and mature and im pro Who recommended you applying for SAFP? Wizax i left SASP
  13. https://imgur.com/a/VTjfA2f
  14. Ingame Name: hassan Real Name: hassan Age:13 Country:egypt Languages arabic and english Gender: male Nationality:egyptian Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why? no Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why? no Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES. How long have you been playing MTA? 1 year How long have you been playing on SAES? 7 months How many hours do you play in a day? 13 How many times do you visit the forums in a day? 5 Previous gangs/squads?: ICE/SAPA/ Are you in any groups?: yes / IC Do you have PC (Procop membership)?: no i was will take it in ICE but i get out from it Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications. Strengths: im good at driving planes and helicopters and im active and im good at shooting and sniping and im so good at RP and good at driving boat Weaknesses: driving bikes Describe Deathmatch: killing someone without reason Describe RolePlay: acting like real life Describe TeamWork: team with your friends to complete something Add a picture of your stats by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler] Part 4 / What to do if. What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest? i will report him and if i didn't got SS i will follow him and arrest him What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe? i will tell him ok Someone DMs you: i will report him and if i did not got SS i will track him and arrest him An admin asks you something: i will do it Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? i will leave everything i'm doing and go to him Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who? Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who? no but i was hanging with them Where is our private forums?: idk Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: john is the leader and arma is the vL Why do you want to join TST?: because its strong squad and respected squad and its really pro and it's active and friendly it's members and everyone in it and i thought that TST is inactive for a long period Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?: i'm active and loyal and i'm good at using M4 and other weapons and i was in SAPA for 4 months because that was the first time that i join to a squad Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): my name is hassan i have 13 years old and i live in egypt i love healthy food and i love to go to gym and i'm famous in my school and i love everyone and i love music Additional information: N/A
  15. In-game name:hassan Account name:hassantt Real name:hassan Title(Mr/Mrs):mr Date of birth:4/4/2004 Origin country:EGYPT Country in residence:EGYPTION Timezone:GMT+3 Spoken languages:english and arabic English proficiency on a scale of (1-10):9 Do you have TeamSpeak 3/Discord/Whatsapp installed?:whatsapp Section II: SAES Experiences How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?:2 year Previous organization(s):i joined sapa and iceand FPI Why did you leave or why were you kicked? Briefly explain:SAPA : i left because they dont respect me / ICE : Have you ever been punished by staff(s)? If yes, briefly explain:NO Do you have Professional Officer Certificate?:NO If you had it before, how did you lose it? Briefly explain:I cannot lose because i didnt got any one of yet Are you a part of any group in SAES? If yes, state your position within the group:YES I AM IN group IC Section III: Theoretical Knowledge Write a summary of your qualification(s): im good at driving planes and helicopters and im active and im good at shooting and sniping and im so good at RP and goood at driving boat What is your greatest weakness?:I AM BAD IN BIKES Why do you want to be part of the NNB?: because its strong squad and respected squad and its really pro Why would we choose you rather than the other applicant(s)? In my life i didnt comparison myself with anyone who is more popular AND I AM because im loyal and mature and im pro What is the role of NNB in SAES? Briefly explain:The role of NNB is stop every drug dealer and Drug gangs in San Andreas.Stopping the Narcotic Chaos middle of San Andreas. How would you describe roleplaying? Briefly explain: acting like real life What does Team Spirit mean to you? Briefly explain:Briefly explain:have to team up with each other to help each other. If someone kills you for no reason, what would be your first reaction? Briefly explain:i take SS and i make reportreport and send my report to the admin How would you describe marker arrest?:When you arrest someone when they are in a marker and persecution,shock, imprisonment. How do you describe yourself to people? Briefly explain::My name is hassan mohamed I born in EGYPT 2004.I like to play footbal and basketball.Im patient and honestly person.
  16. I - BASIC INFORMATION Real Name: hassan In-game Name: hassan Account: hassantt Age: 13 Primary Language: arabic Other Languages: english II - GAME INFORMATION How long have you being playing MTA? 3 years How long have you being playing SAES? 6 months Are you PC (ProCop)? no Past squad/gang/companies (State if you left or were kicked and why): SAPA : i left because they don't respect me / ICE : Current and past groups (State the reason if left or kicked): N/A What is RP? (Explain using 15 words or more): acting like real life like when a cop pull over a car in real life you do the same in the server What is DM? (Explain using 15 words or more): killing someone without any reason like you was walking at LVX then you saw someone at LVX and you shoot at him without any reason What is Park-Killing? (Explain using 15 words or more): killing someone with your car without any reason like ramming someone multiply times for no reason III - RULES KNOWLEDGE Did you read and agree with all F1 rules? yes Did you read and agree with all SAFP rules? yes What is the minimum wanted level for arrest? 5 stars Are you allowed to arrest or kill other police officers? no Are you allowed to arrest/kill in hospitals? i'm allowed to arrest at hospital if the criminal stay at the hospital more then 10 seconds Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events? no Is marker-arresting allowed? no Explain SAFPs rule 3: before you arrest anyone RP with him so don't arrest ANYONE WITHOUT RP Explain SAFPs rule 4: don't arrest who have under 5 stars this is not allowed Explain SAFPs rule 8: ALT members are our allies don't arrest them or kill them at all IV - MISC. INFORMATION Your strengths: im good at driving planes and helicopters and im active and im good at shooting and sniping and im so good at RP and goood at driving boat Your weaknesses: driving bikes Have you received any bans from the server? If yes, why? no Why did you decide to join our squad? (Use 15 words or more): because its strong squad and respected squad and its really pro Explain why we should accept you (Use 15 words or more): because im loyal and mature and im pro Who recommended you applying for SAFP? Wizax i left SASP
  17. Event type : LWS/G6 : Prize : Winner : Event Number : SS : Story name : Participants : Story : RP number : SS : date : active members : SS :
  18. @brian said in SASP - San Andreas Special Police: 1- your In game name: Brian 2- your real name: Brian 3- how old are you: 16 4- what is DM: Killing people for no reason. Shooting cars with no reason. 5- tell us 2 BR rules: Do not markerkill at BR, and do not marker arrest at BR 6- tell us 2 SR rules: Do not use animations at SR, and marker kill not allowed. 7- gender: male 8- where you live: Hungary 9- languages spoken: Hungary, English 10- your strengths: tasing, shooting, driving 11- your weakness: driving with high speed 12- why you want to join us: I want to help this squad. 13- why we should accept you: 14- what is RP: real life, in the game 15- what do you do if you saw a criminal with 9 stars and he is not shooting at you: playing roleplay with criminal 16- what do you do if you saw a cop with 2 stars: bribe officer 17- what to do if you are chasing a criminal with 9 stars or lower and he dont want to RP : using binds, and play roleplay with him, or criminal is shooting me, i arrest crim. you ACCEPTED
  19. https://i.imgur.com/Mtp58mM.jpg
  20. @superperfect said in SASP - San Andreas Special Police: 1- your In game name: superperfect 2- your real name: amine 3- how old are you: 15 4- what is DM: deathmatch (killing players without any reason) 5- tell us 2 BR rules: bank robbery (we go to the br together) 6- tell us 2 SR rules: stay inside this store 7- gender: male 8- where you live: tunisia 9- languages spoken: arabic , english 10- your strengths: pro at driving 11- your weakness: bad at shooting 12- why you want to join us: i want to join because i want to improve my shooting skills 13- why we should accept you: because i have good usable skills 14- what is RP: roleplay (doing the job like in real life) 15- what do you do if you saw a criminal with 9 stars and he is not shooting at you: rp with him 16- what do you do if you saw a cop with 2 stars:offer bribe him 17- what to do if you are chasing a criminal with 9 stars or lower and he dont want to RP : i warn him before arresting him ACCEPTED
  21. @hassan-mohamed said in SASP - San Andreas Special Police: In the United States, aSASP(San Andreas Special Police) team is a law enforcement unit which uses specialized or military equipment and tactics. First created in the 1960s to handleriot controlor violent confrontations with criminals, the number and usage of SASP teams increased in the 1980s and 1990s during theWar on Drugsand later in the aftermath of theSeptember 11 attacks. In theUnited Statesas of 2005, SASP teams were deployed 50,000 times every year, almost 80% of the time to servesearch warrants, most often fornarcotics. 1- don't break server rules or squad rules 2- respect and obey everyone in the server 3- mute = warning and adminjail = instant kick 4- don't arrest who have lower then 10 stars 5- don't arrest any cop unless he is shooting at you 6- always RP with everyone cleaning SA from criminals and raiding SRs and BRs and stop any criminal activity like drug deals and arms deals squad level : 0 squad members : 3 squad color : #00ffff squad money : 1.5M date of creation : 2018/6/11 tags : SASP|NAME|RANK Alliances : N/A media archive : coming soon LEVEL 5 Leader [L] : the leader and the creator of the squad LEVEL 4 Vice Leader [VL] : he is the right hand for the leader he can invite or kick or order or give warnings LEVEL 3 Headquarter [HQ] : he invite players or warn them and can test players LEVEL 2 Chief Of Security [CoS] : he is the one who train everyone in the squad Colonel [CL] : he can't kick or invite or warn players but he still can order lower members Major [MJ] : he is the same as the Colonel but he can't order him Captain [CPT] : he is the right hand of the Major LEVEL 1 Sergeant First Class [SFC] : he is the helper of the Captain Sergeant [SGT] : he is the helper of the Sergeant First Class Private First Class [PFS] : he is the right hand of the SGT and SFC Private [PVT] : he can help PFS and follow him LEVEL 0 Recruit [R] : he is new in the squad he can't do anything and he can be trained and tested by the CoS or a higher rank for level up 1- your In game name: 2- your real name: 3- how old are you: 4- what is DM: 5- tell us 2 BR rules: 6- tell us 2 SR rules: 7- gender: 8- where you live: 9- languages spoken: 10- your strengths: 11- your weakness: 12- why you want to join us: 13- why we should accept you: 14- what is RP: 15- what do you do if you saw a criminal with 9 stars and he is not shooting at you: 16- what do you do if you saw a cop with 2 stars: 17- what to do if you are chasing a criminal with 9 stars or lower and he don't want to RP here you can see the Recruitment status -=(lime)ACCEPTED=- : this mean you passed the application stage meet HQ+ for your tests -=(orange)PENDING=- : we are not sure about you hang more with us and wait for your answer -=(red)DENIED=- : your application doesn't meet our requirements reapply at the given time -=(lime,cyan)SPECIAL THANKS TO @Master-Chief FOR CREATING OUR BANNERS=-
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