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Everything posted by xXxTenTacion

  1. Address: Rums house cherry Account name: hoangtien Last seen: 8 july 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/e9eoaH1
  2. BEFORE: ::: ::: AFTER: ::: :::
  3. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: @Brooks Prize: $1.000.000 Type: LMS Winner: @Kybali0n Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gg0tQwS
  4. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: @Brooks Prize: $2.000.000 Type: Chicken Shooter Winner: @Pazoo Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/DNAbjcx
  5. Address: back alley hideout Account name: crazzymaxx Last seen: 9 july 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eaEugON
  6. Address: back alley hideout Account name: crazzymaxx Last seen: 9 july 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eaEugON
  7. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: @Filex Prize: $1.000.000 Type: Chicken Shooter Winner: @WiTTi01 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MIgpQkq
  8. BEFORE: ::: ::: AFTER: ::: :::
  9. Address: camel club Account: superperritoman Last seen: 30 june 2019 SS: https://imgur.com/a/8nrRtsi
  10. Starting bid: $13.000.000 Minimum bid increase: 1.000.000$ ::: :::
  11. ~[Ingame name:]~(maroon) 215|TenTancion ~[~[Ingame username]~(maroon): ~[Tentaxxx]~(black) Previous organizations and leaving causes: N/A ~[Define Underground Empire:]~(maroon) An underground empire was founded on June 23 in 1866 by three men calling John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Yehuda Davies, an older and more active mafia gang around Las Venturas because they own all the casinos out there. They also offer the best medicines throughout San Andreas. Trafficking in arms, drug trafficking and money laundering To End with, This organization is well-known with its high-quality with dealing stuff, Their members are well-recruited & faithful and totally trustworthy. It is something we can describe as "Old Mafia" which something you can't really find nowadays especially that most of the people think that Old Mafia can't be shouting again. ~[What binds you with Underground Empire:]~(maroon) The underground empire was known as the "people of the upscale society. also, they are "Old Mafia". this gang got a lot of casinos to he's making easy black money. And Known as its members about their perfect deals and that work as a fully upgraded and brilliant team. That's why I literally decided to be part of this gang and I would like to be a Soldier. Therefore, I can Fight for Underground Empire as a gang. Also, I have my brother who I really trust and a few friends inside the gang that I'd like to join them and keep getting this gang higher and higher. Well, I really like to try new experiences, Old Mafia is something that I really would like to try since it has been one of my best things to accomplish before. I'm really willing to get inside with a bunch of my buddies. ~[What do you know about organized crime]~(maroon): First of all, I don't really know that much about it but I think that to be an organized crime is literally a hard job. this is proof that the Underground Empire is a powerful gang. You need to have a lot of experiences and things that others don't have to reach it. You need to have a plan in mind, what to do & how to make, rely on your members so much. Also, Organized Crime is to be exact, Team Work. Organized crime is a category of national, everyone from organized crime group have their role and they run illegal activities, well I don't know too much about organized crime but they must have a captain, leader etc..and they Kill, Kidnap, rob... to take what they want.
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