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Posts posted by KARIM

  1. ~[-Part 1-Personal information:]~(red)

    -Nickname: [WA]KARIM
    -AccountName: chinwibenlaid
    -Real Name: Abdelkrim
    -Age: nineteen

    -Nationality: Algerian
    -Primary Language: Arabic , a bit english
    -Your english skills: 7/10

    ~[-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:]~(red)

    -How long have you been playing MTA: 2013
    -How long have you been playing on SAES: 2015 But i was inactive until the end of 2017
    -How many hours do you play in day: 7H

    -Previous gang/squads?: N/A

    -currently gang/squads?: Wild Angels .
    -previous gang/squad/groups: N/A

    ~[-Part 3-Questions:]~(red)

    -Describe Roleplay: Playing like being in real life , Whatever y'r Spawn
    -What does mean DM:Killing or beating a person for no reason
    -Strengths: teamwork, maturity, listening to orders given by the higher ranked individuals , driving and Also roleplaying isone of my strongest sides
    -Weaknesses: Lag.

  2. you said that LWS better than ceo and .... its ok
    But Have LWS officially become the first day? Of course not, after a time of effort like what they are doing now 'CEO"
    Have you been criticized LWS at first like what you are now critical of CEO ? Ofcourse No ,So let them work and remember the hq of lws , He found no problem with the group and helped them .. Now you do not belong to both groups and criticize ,It is better to leave them ;)

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