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Everything posted by KARIM

  1. ~[Turfing Los Santos]~(blueviolet) Date: 07/10/2018 Turf Number : 16 ~[BEFORE :]~(magenta) ~[AFTER :]~(magenta)
  2. Happy birthday <3
  3. ~[07/10/2018 - Los Santos BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #58]~(magenta)
  4. ~[07/10/2018 - Las VanturasBANK ROBBERY 8/8 #57]~(magenta)
  5. ~[06/10/2018 - San fierro BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #56]~(magenta)
  6. @lincoln that's mean grp fok yo
  7. user : lokotoma lastseen : 29 aug 2018 ss : https://imgur.com/a/VN9oyvd
  8. user : achik123 lastseen : 4 sep 2018 ss : https://imgur.com/a/pseBkeD
  9. Turfing Las Vanturas / San Fierro Date: 04/10/2018 ~[Turf Number : 15]~(magenta) ~[BEFORE :]~(magenta) ~[AFTER :]~(magenta)
  10. ~[-Part 1-Personal information:]~(red) -Nickname: [WA]KARIM -AccountName: chinwibenlaid -Real Name: Abdelkrim -Age: nineteen -Nationality: Algerian -Primary Language: Arabic , a bit english -Your english skills: 7/10 ~[-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:]~(red) -How long have you been playing MTA: 2013 -How long have you been playing on SAES: 2015 But i was inactive until the end of 2017 -How many hours do you play in day: 7H -Previous gang/squads?: N/A -currently gang/squads?: Wild Angels . -previous gang/squad/groups: N/A ~[-Part 3-Questions:]~(red) -Describe Roleplay: Playing like being in real life , Whatever y'r Spawn -What does mean DM:Killing or beating a person for no reason -Strengths: teamwork, maturity, listening to orders given by the higher ranked individuals , driving and Also roleplaying isone of my strongest sides -Weaknesses: Lag.
  11. ~[02/10/2018 - Los Santos BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #49]~(magenta)
  12. 02/10/2018
  13. @nori999 rude -_-
  14. ~[01/10/2018 - Las Vanturas BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #47]~(magenta)
  15. ~[01/10/2018 - San Fierro BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #46]~(magenta)
  16. ~[Turfing Las Vanturas]~ Date: 30/9/2018 Turf Number : 13 ~[BEFORE :]~(magenta) ~[AFTER :]~(magenta)
  17. ~[30/09/2018 - Los Santos BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #44]~(magenta)
  18. ~[29/09/2018 - Los Santos BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #43]~(magenta)
  19. ~[29/09/2018 - Las Vanturas BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #42]~(magenta)
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